Navigating Grief: How Loss Can Demotivate You in Business

Losing a loved one is never easy. It's a pain that cuts deep, leaving behind scars that take time to heal. Recently, I experienced the loss of my Yia Yia, my beloved grandmother. She was more than just a grandmother to me; she was a mother figure, a confidante, and a source of unwavering love and support. Spending time with her in her final weeks and days was both heart-wrenching and demanding. Witnessing her gradual decline was a painful experience that left me feeling emotionally drained and lost.

Growing up, I spent countless hours at her house, forming a bond that transcended the typical grandchild-grandparent relationship. I was named after her, and I held a special place in her heart as her favourite grandchild. Our weekly phone calls and frequent visits became cherished rituals that strengthened our connection over the years. As she grew older, I made it a priority to spend as much time with her as possible, often staying for weeks at a time.

Her passing has left a void in my life that feels insurmountable. The grief I feel weighs heavily on my shoulders, affecting every aspect of my life, including my business endeavours. The once-clear path ahead now seems clouded with uncertainty, and the motivation that once fuelled my ambitions has dwindled.

Navigating grief while trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy in business can feel like an impossible task. However, there are steps you can take to work through the pain and gradually reclaim your sense of purpose and motivation:

Allow Yourself to Grieve: It's essential to give yourself permission to feel the full spectrum of emotions that come with loss. Suppressing your grief or trying to push through it can ultimately do more harm than good. Take the time to mourn your loved one and acknowledge the depth of your sorrow. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who can provide comfort during this difficult time.

Seek Professional Support: Grieving is a deeply personal journey, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to healing. Consider seeking support from a therapist or counsellor who specialises in grief counselling. Talking to a professional can provide valuable insight and coping strategies to help you navigate the grieving process more effectively. Additionally, joining a support group for individuals who have experienced similar losses can offer a sense of camaraderie and understanding.

Practice Self-Care: Amidst the turmoil of grief, it's crucial to prioritise self-care and nourish your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Make time for activities that bring you comfort and solace, whether it's taking long walks in nature, practicing mindfulness and meditation, or indulging in hobbies that bring you joy. Focus on maintaining a healthy routine that includes adequate sleep, nutritious meals, and regular exercise. Taking care of yourself is not only essential for your healing but also for sustaining your resilience in the face of adversity. My Yia Yia was a talented knitter and crocheter. I’ve decided to learn to crochet so I can pick up a new hobby but to remember and honour her. 

Grief has a way of permeating every aspect of our lives, including our professional endeavours. While the journey toward healing may seem daunting, it's important to remember that healing is possible, albeit gradual. By allowing yourself to grieve, seeking support when needed, and practicing self-care, you can gradually reclaim your sense of motivation and purpose, honouring the memory of your loved one while moving forward with resilience and strength.


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