Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

5 Essential traits of successful entrepreneurs

When I began my entrepreneurial journey over a decade ago, it required a shift in mindset and guidance from mentors. Entrepreneurship is diverse, with individuals from various backgrounds. Successful entrepreneurs often share key traits that can be cultivated. Curious about these 5 traits? Read on to discover them.

When I started my business over a decade ago, being an entrepreneur was a change of mindset, and I had to seek out some mentors to help guide me on this journey. Being an entrepreneur is diverse, with individuals spanning from the wealthiest to the least affluent, each with their unique qualities. While every entrepreneur is unique, successful ones often share key traits. These aren't inherent, so if you're starting out, don't fret. You can cultivate these qualities. Curious about the 5 traits? Read on.

1. Self-Discipline
Starting with the most crucial, money can't replace discipline. It's essential in various aspects of entrepreneurship. For instance, Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx, often talks about how she spent her evenings learning about the industry while working her day job. You need to know when to prioritize work over leisure—whether skipping parties to work or cutting back on lavish dinners. Recognize when to focus; your future self will appreciate it.

2. Adaptability
In our unpredictable world, adaptability is crucial. A prime example is Netflix, which began as a DVD rental service but adapted to the streaming era. A successful entrepreneur can pivot and change as needed. Don't get too fixated on initial plans to miss better opportunities. Adaptability is vital in business and personally; you must move with change, not against it.

3. Confidence
Confidence is vital, especially when seeking support from investors or peers. Elon Musk's unwavering confidence in SpaceX and Tesla, even when facing skepticism, is a prime example. Believe in yourself even when others don't. Confidence in your business is also crucial; if you doubt its potential, others will too. Remember, confidence isn't cockiness—they're different.

4. No Fear of Failure
View failure as a learning opportunity. Thomas Edison, after numerous failed attempts to invent the light bulb, famously said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." To succeed, you must be willing to try. Taking risks, big or small, is essential for business growth. Don't fear failure; it's not as final as it seems.

5. Decisiveness
Making tough decisions defines successful entrepreneurs. It's challenging to bring a vision to life through decisions, but it's crucial. Howard Schultz's decision to invest in providing Starbucks employees with health benefits, despite financial challenges, was pivotal. It might take a few wrong decisions to find the right one. A clear vision guides decisions. While mentors or friends can help, successful stories often feature individuals making bold decisions despite opposition. Trust your instincts and act.

Need guidance on your entrepreneurial journey? Book a coaching session with me. Together, we can navigate all aspects of your business and realise your dreams and goals.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Navigating Grief: How Loss Can Demotivate You in Business

The experience of losing a loved one is profoundly challenging. It's a profound sorrow that leaves enduring marks, requiring time for healing. Recently, I faced the loss of my cherished Yia Yia, my grandmother. She meant more to me than words can express. Balancing grief with the demands of business can seem daunting. Nonetheless, there are actionable steps you can follow to navigate this challenging time and gradually restore your sense of purpose and drive. Read about what I have been doing.

Losing a loved one is never easy. It's a pain that cuts deep, leaving behind scars that take time to heal. Recently, I experienced the loss of my Yia Yia, my beloved grandmother. She was more than just a grandmother to me; she was a mother figure, a confidante, and a source of unwavering love and support. Spending time with her in her final weeks and days was both heart-wrenching and demanding. Witnessing her gradual decline was a painful experience that left me feeling emotionally drained and lost.

Growing up, I spent countless hours at her house, forming a bond that transcended the typical grandchild-grandparent relationship. I was named after her, and I held a special place in her heart as her favourite grandchild. Our weekly phone calls and frequent visits became cherished rituals that strengthened our connection over the years. As she grew older, I made it a priority to spend as much time with her as possible, often staying for weeks at a time.

Her passing has left a void in my life that feels insurmountable. The grief I feel weighs heavily on my shoulders, affecting every aspect of my life, including my business endeavours. The once-clear path ahead now seems clouded with uncertainty, and the motivation that once fuelled my ambitions has dwindled.

Navigating grief while trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy in business can feel like an impossible task. However, there are steps you can take to work through the pain and gradually reclaim your sense of purpose and motivation:

Allow Yourself to Grieve: It's essential to give yourself permission to feel the full spectrum of emotions that come with loss. Suppressing your grief or trying to push through it can ultimately do more harm than good. Take the time to mourn your loved one and acknowledge the depth of your sorrow. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who can provide comfort during this difficult time.

Seek Professional Support: Grieving is a deeply personal journey, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to healing. Consider seeking support from a therapist or counsellor who specialises in grief counselling. Talking to a professional can provide valuable insight and coping strategies to help you navigate the grieving process more effectively. Additionally, joining a support group for individuals who have experienced similar losses can offer a sense of camaraderie and understanding.

Practice Self-Care: Amidst the turmoil of grief, it's crucial to prioritise self-care and nourish your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Make time for activities that bring you comfort and solace, whether it's taking long walks in nature, practicing mindfulness and meditation, or indulging in hobbies that bring you joy. Focus on maintaining a healthy routine that includes adequate sleep, nutritious meals, and regular exercise. Taking care of yourself is not only essential for your healing but also for sustaining your resilience in the face of adversity. My Yia Yia was a talented knitter and crocheter. I’ve decided to learn to crochet so I can pick up a new hobby but to remember and honour her. 

Grief has a way of permeating every aspect of our lives, including our professional endeavours. While the journey toward healing may seem daunting, it's important to remember that healing is possible, albeit gradual. By allowing yourself to grieve, seeking support when needed, and practicing self-care, you can gradually reclaim your sense of motivation and purpose, honouring the memory of your loved one while moving forward with resilience and strength.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Future-Proof Your Career: Adapting in the Age of Automation

In today's dynamic job market, staying relevant is essential. Automation and AI are reshaping employment, presenting challenges and opportunities alike. As a business coach, I empathize with the career concerns of many professionals, especially women. Join me to discover insights and strategies to thrive in the age of automation and bolster your career resilience

In today's ever-evolving job market, staying relevant and future-proofing your career has never been more crucial. The rise of automation, artificial intelligence, and advanced technologies has completely transformed the employment landscape, creating both challenges and opportunities. As a business coach, I understand the concerns many professionals, especially women, have about the future of their careers. Today I’d like to share some valuable insights and strategies to help you thrive in the age of automation and ensure your career remains resilient and thriving.


Embrace Lifelong Learning

One of the most effective ways to future-proof your career is to adopt a growth mindset and commit to lifelong learning. Automation and technology will continue to change the skills required in various industries. Therefore, it's essential to stay ahead of the curve by acquiring new knowledge and upgrading your skills regularly. Consider taking online courses, attending workshops, or attaining certifications relevant to your field. Investing in yourself and your education is an investment in your career's sustainability.


Cultivate Soft Skills

While automation can handle many routine tasks, it can't replicate the uniquely human qualities that make us valuable in the workplace. Soft skills such as emotional intelligence, creativity, critical thinking, and effective communication are now more important than ever. As a business coach, I often stress the significance of these skills in building strong professional relationships, conflict resolution, and making sound decisions. Develop these skills, and you'll stand out in a world increasingly reliant on automation.


Embrace Change

Change is the only constant in today's job market. Instead of fighting it, embrace change as an opportunity for growth. Be open to new challenges, roles, and industries. Your ability to adapt and thrive in different environments will set you apart. Keep an eye on emerging trends and be ready to pivot your career when necessary. Remember, the most successful individuals are those who can navigate change with confidence and flexibility.


Network and Collaborate

Networking has always been important, but in the age of automation, it's even more critical. Build a strong professional network, both within and outside your industry. Attend conferences, join online forums, and engage with colleagues on social media platforms like LinkedIn. Collaborating with others can lead to valuable insights, partnerships, and opportunities you might not have discovered on your own. Networking can also provide emotional support during times of career transition.


Stay Agile and Adaptable

The ability to adapt quickly is a trademark of a future-proof career. Stay agile by remaining curious and open to change. Don't become complacent in your current role or industry, as it may not exist in the same form in the future. Keep your resume up-to-date, regularly review your career goals, and be prepared to pivot when necessary. This proactive approach will ensure you're never caught off guard by the winds of change.

Advocate for Yourself

As a business coach, I understand the unique challenges women face in the workplace. It's essential to advocate for yourself, ask for promotions and pay raises, and seek opportunities for leadership roles. Don't be afraid to negotiate for what you deserve. Building confidence and self-advocacy skills will help you succeed in an evolving and competitive job market.


The age of automation offers both challenges and opportunities for your career. By embracing lifelong learning, cultivating essential soft skills, and staying open to change, you can future-proof your career and thrive in an ever-evolving job market. Remember, your career is a journey, and your ability to adapt and grow will be the key to your long-term success. So, step boldly into the future and seize the opportunities that await you, and if you need some help future-proofing your career, reach out and let’s discuss how I can assist


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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Embracing Healthy Habits for 2024 Success

As we finish the first quarter of 2024, embracing healthy habits enhances productivity and fosters a thriving work environment. I'm eager to guide clients towards success by prioritising their well-being. In this fast-paced world, leaders must prioritise mindfulness, fostering self-awareness and conscious decision-making for a positive organizational impact. Let’s explore more.

As we usher in a new year, the landscape of business coaching is evolving, emphasising professional growth and holistic well-being. 2024 is about embracing healthy habits that enhance productivity and foster a thriving work environment.  I am excited to guide my clients through a transformative journey towards success by prioritising their well-being.

In the fast-paced business world, leaders often get caught up in the chaos of deadlines and deliverables. However, the most successful leaders in 2024 will prioritise mindfulness. Cultivating a practice of self-awareness and conscious decision-making not only reduces stress but also creates a positive ripple effect throughout the organisation.

Encourage your team to embrace mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and short breaks during the workday to reset and refocus. As a business coach, I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact of mindful leadership on both individuals and the overall success of a company.

Employee well-being is the cornerstone of a successful business. In 2024, it's essential to go beyond traditional health benefits and adopt holistic wellness programs. These programs should address not only physical health but also mental and emotional well-being. Consider incorporating wellness challenges, mental health workshops, and fitness incentives into your company culture. As a business coach, I advocate for fostering a culture where employees feel supported in all aspects of their lives, leading to increased satisfaction and productivity.

The increase of remote work is a paradigm shift that is here to stay. To thrive in 2024, businesses need to optimise their remote work strategies. Encourage your clients to establish clear boundaries between work and personal life, fostering a healthy work-life balance. Advocate for regular virtual team-building activities and check-ins to maintain a sense of connection among remote teams. Empower your clients to leverage technology for productivity and create a collaborative and inclusive remote work culture.

In quickly evolving business landscape, the ability to adapt and learn is a critical factor in success. Encourage your clients to instil a culture of continuous learning within their organisations. Some great examples can involve investing in professional development opportunities, workshops, and skill-building programs.

I emphasise the importance of being aware of industry trends and continuously acquiring new knowledge. This benefits individuals and positions the entire organisation as a leader in its field.

In 2024, success in business goes hand in hand with prioritising healthy habits and holistic well-being. As a business coach, my mission is to guide you and your clients towards a future where success is measured in profits and the well-being and fulfilment of individuals within the organisation. Embrace these healthy habits, and watch as your business becomes a beacon of success and positivity in the future and if you are looking for someone to help keep you accountable, reach out to me at

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Embracing Greatness: Don't Let Perfect Get in the Way of Starting

In the fast-paced business world, the pursuit of perfection can hinder greatness. As a coach, I've witnessed entrepreneurs and professionals paralysed by this quest. This blog delves into the value of releasing perfectionism and embracing the journey to greatness.

In the fast-paced business world, pursuing perfection can often be a stumbling block on the path to greatness. As a business coach, I've seen many entrepreneurs and professionals get caught up in the relentless quest for perfection, only to find themselves paralysed by indecision and fear of failure. This blog will explore the importance of letting go of perfectionism and embracing the journey toward greatness.

Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. While aiming for perfection can drive us to deliver high-quality work, it can also hinder progress. Perfection is an illusion – an unattainable standard that can keep us stuck in a perpetual cycle of self-doubt and second-guessing.

As a business coach, I often witness clients delaying important decisions or projects because they fear they have yet to reach perfection. The reality is that perfection is subjective and often depends on individual perspectives. What one person perceives as flawless, another may see as imperfect. Instead of chasing an unattainable ideal, shifting focus towards achieving greatness is crucial.

Greatness is not about getting everything right the first time; it's about continuous improvement and learning from mistakes. Embracing the power of iteration allows us to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances. Business success is often a result of refining and enhancing our strategies over time rather than a one-time achievement of perfection.

Encourage yourself and your team to take risks, experiment, and learn from failures. Each iteration brings you one step closer to greatness while pursuing perfection can lead to stagnation and missed opportunities.

 In business coaching, I often emphasise the importance of taking decisive action. Waiting for the perfect moment or plan can result in missed opportunities and lost momentum. Instead, focus on making well-informed decisions and taking intentional steps toward your goals.

Encourage a mindset shift within your team. Emphasise the value of progress over perfection. Celebrate small victories and use setbacks as learning opportunities. By fostering a culture of action, you create a dynamic environment where innovation and adaptability thrive.

Greatness is not a destination but a journey filled with challenges, growth, and achievement. As a business coach, I've witnessed remarkable transformations when individuals and teams shift their mindset from perfectionism to a pursuit of greatness. It's about embracing imperfections, learning from mistakes, and striving to improve.

In conclusion, don't let the illusion of perfection hinder your path to greatness. Encourage yourself and your team to take bold actions, embrace the power of iteration, and celebrate progress. Remember, the journey toward greatness defines your success, not the unattainable pursuit of perfection.

If you'd like a partner in greatness, someone to help keep you accountable and stop you from falling for the trap of perfection, reach out to me at

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Breaking Free from World Quitters Day: Embrace Creative Approaches to New Year Resolutions

World Quitters Day was on January 12th, when many abandoned New Year's resolutions, it's time to rethink our approach. Rather than succumbing to statistics, this article emphasises exploring innovative and sustainable strategies to transform resolutions into lasting habits, offering creative insights to break the cycle.

Were you aware that January 12th was World Quitters Day? How are your New Year's resolutions coming along? Have you become a statistic? 

In the wake of World Quitters Day, an alarming phenomenon that sees many people abandoning their New Year resolutions by mid-January, exploring innovative and sustainable ways to approach our goals is crucial. Rather than succumbing to the statistics, let's delve into creative strategies to transform resolutions into lasting habits.

Set Realistic Goals:

The first step in crafting achievable resolutions is setting realistic goals. Instead of aiming for drastic changes, break down your objectives into smaller, manageable steps. It only makes success more attainable and provides a sense of accomplishment. You don’t have to strive to be a ballerina when you have never danced in your life, but you need to set the goal to take dance classes and get qualified. 

Visualise Success:

This is one of my favourites because I am a visual person. The power of visualisation to manifest your aspirations is the perfect way to always have your goals in sight. Create a vision board that represents your goals and keeps you motivated. Visual cues can serve as powerful reminders of why you embarked on your journey in the first place.

Embrace Positive Habits:

Rather than focusing solely on what you want to eliminate from your life, channel your energy into cultivating positive habits. This proactive approach not only makes the process more enjoyable but also helps in crowding out undesirable behaviours. A good one could be to read a new book every month or even listen to a new podcast. 

Incorporate Mindfulness Techniques:

Mindfulness can be a game-changer in achieving resolutions. Practices such as meditation and deep breathing help manage stress, enhance focus, and increase self-awareness. You'll be better equipped to overcome challenges by incorporating mindfulness into your routine. Another way could be get active, go for walks, swim in a pools - all these methods create the perfect amount of positive endorphins you need to stay on track. 

Seek Accountability:

Accountability is one thing I am good at, but I forget how powerful this one is. I achieve more when I share my resolutions with friends, family, or colleagues who can offer support and encourage me to keep going. Having a reliable support system can significantly increase your chances of success. Consider joining groups or online communities with like-minded individuals striving for similar goals. Clubhouse is perfect for this. There are heaps of like-minded people also looking for you. Just get networking the digital way, and when you get there look me up and say hi. 

Make a Game out of it!

Transform your resolutions into a game by creating a point system or setting up challenges. The one thing I love to do is set up challenges that I know I can achieve. I don’t go crazy, but I do try and set some surprisingly fun challenges, and then upon achieving them I reward myself. Think of this like your kids, when they do something right you reward them, so then why can’t we do that too to ourselves. 

A different approach may be better.

You don’t need to give up entirely, you can just reassess and change the approach. Experiment with different strategies until you find what works best for you. The key is to remain flexible and adaptive in your approach. Sometimes you just need to reassess too, so maybe you outstretch yourself and didn’t realise until it happens, like losing 10kgs in 2 weeks. Maybe just make it 10kg in 10 weeks as a more realistic goal. 

Celebrate Milestones:

Always stop and acknowledge/celebrate your achievements along the way. Whether big or small, every milestone is a step closer to your end goal. Rewarding yourself reinforces positive behavior and helps build momentum.

Hey, let's tackle the World Quitters Day hurdles together! Forget the stats; it's time to amp up our game. Set some real goals, sprinkle in some creativity, and let's build positive habits. Turn those New Year dreams into lifelong victories! Don't fear setbacks – learn from 'em, and let's crush this journey of self-improvement! 

Now before you go to bed tonight, write down all your goals again and make it happen!

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Choosing Healthy Addictions: The Path to a Fulfilling Life

Addiction might sound like a taboo, but it's not necessarily a negative thing. The truth is, everyone has their addictions. Recognising the potency of opting for healthy ones, I've come to understand that addiction is essentially an unwavering quest for pleasure or relief. We all have addictions, let me enlighten you on how I controlled mine.

Addiction—it sounds like a naughty word, I know, but it could mean a lot more than something bad. Let’s face facts: everyone is addicted to something. I've come to realise the incredible power of choosing healthy addictions. Addiction, in its essence, is an unrelenting pursuit of pleasure or relief from discomfort. We all have addictive tendencies, and the key is channelling that energy into the right things that bring fulfilment and purpose to our lives.


Understanding My Own Addictive Tendencies:

My path to understanding addiction began with a personal revelation. I recognised that, like many, I had addictive tendencies. These inclinations manifested themselves subtly in everyday life. Caffeine, in the form of my morning coffee, offered not just a caffeine jolt but comfort and routine. Endless social media scrolling promised connection but left me craving more. Surprisingly, my relentless work ethic became a deceptive form of addiction, as the pursuit of success drove me to neglect other aspects of life. These addictive behaviours, though momentarily satisfying, ultimately left me unfulfilled. This realisation sparked a journey to redirect these tendencies toward more meaningful and rewarding pursuits, leading to personal growth and transformation.


Choosing Healthy Addictions:

I've compiled a list of healthy addictions, drawing inspiration from both my own experiences and ideas I've gathered from others.

The addiction to learning: I made a deliberate choice to adopt learning as my primary addiction, and it's a decision that has profoundly enriched my life. This wasn't a passing interest but a full-blown, life-altering commitment.

My addiction to learning spurred me to constantly seek ways to satisfy my curiosity. Books became my trusted companions, and I devoured them with an insatiable appetite. I actively sought out courses and experiences that pushed the boundaries of my comfort zone, relishing the thrill of the unknown.

What began as a conscious decision evolved into a lifelong passion. Learning wasn't just a pastime; it became the core of my existence. It fueled my personal and intellectual development, guiding me on a journey of self-discovery and boundless growth. This addiction to learning has not only shaped who I am but has become the driving force behind my existence, propelling me towards a future brightened by knowledge and enlightenment.

Creativity as my escape: My passion for creative endeavours has been a defining element of my life. I found my refuge in the domains of writing and music, where creativity transformed from a mere interest into a profound and healthy addiction.

The process of creation and self-expression through writing allowed me to deal with past issues as well as drive into the emotions, stories, and ideas that make me happy. Writing became a freeing journey, an exploration of uncharted territories within my own mind and heart.

In music, I discovered a language that goes beyond the limitations of words. Melodies and harmonies became the purest form of emotional expression, conveying feelings that words often struggled to understand. I often have music on when I am working and writing because it can tap into the emotions that I thought I had bottled up. Live or at home, music is my escape.

The addiction to helping others: acts of kindness and service became the cornerstone of my life, a source of immeasurable fulfillment.Helping those in need, whether through simple gestures or more substantial endeavours, became a way of making a lasting, positive impact on their lives. The satisfaction derived from being of service to others was unlike anything else I had experienced. It was an addiction, not in the negative sense but in the deeply rewarding one. Each act of kindness, every hand extended in support, fed a sense of purpose that I couldn't find elsewhere. This pursuit of service and the subsequent fulfilment became a lifelong journey, an unending cycle of giving and receiving the warmth of gratitude and the joy of knowing that I had made a difference in someone's life.

Goal Achievement: Setting meaningful goals and tirelessly working to achieve them has become my ultimate healthy addiction. This relentless pursuit of excellence has propelled me to reach new heights in both my personal and professional lives, igniting a profound sense of purpose and accomplishment. The process of envisioning these objectives, breaking them down into manageable steps, and dedicating myself to their realisation has been an exhilarating journey. It's not just about achieving the end result; it's also about the personal growth and transformative experiences that occur along the way. This addiction to setting and surpassing my own expectations has become the driving force that continues to push me beyond boundaries and into uncharted territories of success and self-discovery.


Final thoughts:

Deliberately selecting these healthy addictions has paved the way for the development of positive habits that have fundamentally reshaped my life. These habits now stand as a counterbalance to the negative behaviours that once held me captive. The objective is not to rid my life of all pleasures or guilty pleasures but to ensure that primary addictions are for my wellbeing and personal growth.

As I channeled my addictive tendencies into these positive interests, the grip of destructive addictions naturally loosened. These newfound passions not only offered healthier channels but also naturally reduced the interest in negative habits.

In a world where it seems everyone is ensnared by some form of addiction, I've discovered the empowering truth that we have the ability to choose our addictions. Overall, by focusing on healthy addictions, we can truly transform our lives, where you can find boundless joy, fulfilment, and purpose in every passing day. I've harnessed my addictive energy and redirected it towards the right things, ultimately nurturing a life truly worth being addicted to.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

The Transformative Power of Community in Personal Growth and Love

In my pursuit of personal growth and love, I've discovered the transformative influence of community. Amid life's challenges, acknowledging this support enhances happiness and fosters profound transformation. Here is why I think you should find your people and your community to help you grow and succeed.

I am always on a journey of personal growth and the pursuit of love and happiness. I know it sounds corny, but in this crazy world of mine with illnesses and businesses, I am often seeking a lot of personal happiness, and really everyone should. I often underestimate the incredible impact that community can have on my life, and I forget to look back and acknowledge it. While self-discovery and love are deeply personal experiences, being part of a supportive and nurturing community can be an incentive for deep transformation and a source of boundless love.

Here's why I think you should find them:


Finding your crew

The search for personal growth often begins with the desire to understand ourselves better, overcome challenges, and become the best version of ourselves. A community of like-minded individuals can provide the support, encouragement, and accountability needed on this journey.

Whether it's a group focused on mindfulness and meditation, a fitness community, or a personal development forum, finding your tribe can offer a sense of belonging and connection. Surrounding yourself with people who share your goals and values can fuel your motivation and provide valuable insights.


You always must be learning

Communities are hubs of knowledge and wisdom. Engaging with others allows you to learn from their experiences, gain new perspectives, and expand your horizons. Through conversations, workshops, and shared resources, you can obtain skills and insights that accelerate your personal growth journey.

In the realm of love, community can also be a source of valuable advice and guidance. Whether you're seeking relationship advice, looking for dating tips, or simply sharing your experiences, a supportive community can offer valuable feedback and emotional support.

If you think that you know everything and that you have nothing to learn, then you probably need a community more than you think. Think about this: if you are unhappy with your situation, whether personal or business, then it is likely that your thinking has got you there. If you want to change, then you need to learn to change, and the easiest way is to find a community to help you on this journey, because, like most things in life, it is hardest to do stuff on your own and your own way.


When you need to vent and cry

During my personal growth and love, I am often accompanied by moments of doubt, fear, and vulnerability. Having a community that understands and empathises with me and my struggles is my lifeline during these challenging times. Sharing your experiences and receiving support from others who have been through similar situations can be incredibly comforting.

 In the quest for love, emotional support from a community can provide reassurance and encouragement. It can help you navigate the complexities of relationships, build resilience, and heal from past hurts.

None of us are perfect, and we all have a past, but so do others, and sharing can be a way of healing yourself and healing others, which is equally rewarding.


L.O.V.E Love, and more Love

Don’t be naïve, and everyone needs love. I have people tell me I don’t need anybody, but even cavemen need love; it is a basic human emotion embedded in everyone. Within a community focused on personal growth, love often blossoms naturally. The connections forged through shared experiences and common goals can evolve into deep and meaningful relationships. Some of the most profound and lasting friendships, and even romantic partnerships, can be found within such communities.

Love creates endorphins, which fuel the soul and brain. When you fall in love, you are often rewarded with trying to do more in your life and excel in areas that you didn’t think were possible. Unfortunately, you can’t create this love; you need to find it, and the best way is through a community. Often, I can’t give love without knowing I am loved, and the way I thrive on developing myself and my business is by being around people who do love what I do and who I am. It drives me to accomplish more, not to impress them or for them to be proud of me, but to tell them about my success and the love I receive from their happiness for me.



The power of community in my personal growth and experience of love is a testament to my profound need for connection and support. Whether I'm on a journey of self-discovery, seeking love, or both, I've come to realise the transformative impact of being part of a community that aligns with my values and aspirations.

I wholeheartedly embrace the wisdom, encouragement, and love that these communities offer me. Through nurturing these connections and actively participating in my chosen communities,

If you are seeking a community, drop me an email, and I will let you know some good ones to join and be part of. 

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

When Wealth Can't Buy Happiness: Reflecting on Failed Relationships

I used to think financial success equaled a happy life, but I've seen wealthy individuals struggle with relationships. I explore this in my insights, reflecting on where things may have veered off course.

Like many, I once believed that financial success and wealth were the keys to a happy and fulfilled life. But as I've observed, it's not uncommon to encounter individuals who have amassed considerable wealth yet grapple with unsatisfying or even failed relationships. I wanted to delve into the particulars of this matter and consider where things may have taken a wrong turn.


The Quest of Wealth

Define ‘wealth’, well, Google tells me it is “an abundance of valuable possessions or money”. The quest for financial success is a common dream, driven by the desire for security, comfort, and the ability to provide for loved ones. It can be a powerful motivator, inspiring hard work and resourcefulness. However, when the quest for wealth turns into an all-consuming obsession, it can inadvertently strain personal relationships. As wealth is clearly defined as “valuable possessions”, people often view the relationships in their lives as valuable, which then makes the pursuit of success more valuable. But unfortunately, I have seen numerous stories and people in my life and that I have risen to the top and have nobody, even when I walked away. Relationships should be the key to your success, not the thing you leave behind.


Materialism vs. Emotional Wellbeing

Wealth provides material comforts, and personally, I treat myself to massages and tattoos during successful business months. However, it often falls short of fulfilling emotional needs, leaving an inner void that material possessions can't fill. The pursuit of wealth, when driven by self-reward, can take a toll on relationships as it prioritises individual satisfaction over others. For example, I've encountered parents who invest heavily in personal retreats and possessions, leaving family needs unmet. Material rewards should be directed towards nurturing relationships rather than self-indulgence, as a sole focus on self-reward risks neglecting family and diminishing the benefits of hard work.

As wealth accumulates, a misalignment of values often emerges. People with differing financial statuses tend to have varying life priorities and outlooks, creating tensions in relationships and making it challenging to find common ground.

In some cases, the relentless pursuit of wealth can lead to unethical actions, such as financial deceit, secrecy, or the abandonment of responsibilities. These actions erode trust within relationships and have the potential for long-lasting damage.


Finding the Path to Balance

If you find yourself in a situation where your relationships are suffering despite financial success, it's essential to reflect on your priorities and make adjustments. Here are my suggestions:


  •       Reevaluate Your Values: Reflect on what truly matters in your life. Realign your values and goals to prioritise relationships and emotional well-being.

  •       Communication: Open and honest communication is key to repairing damaged relationships. Address any concerns with your loved ones and genuinely listen to their perspective.

  •       Set Boundaries: Establish boundaries between work and personal life. Dedicate time to spend with family and friends, and protect that time just as you would a work commitment.

  •       Seek Professional Help: If trust has been eroded or relationships are in crisis, consider seeking the guidance of a therapist or counsellor to navigate these challenges.


I've come to realise that wealth alone doesn't guarantee happiness or meaningful relationships. While I'm not perfect and certainly not an expert on this topic, I've witnessed numerous instances where individuals rose to the pinnacle of success but found themselves without a support system. Having spent time around celebrities and the entertainment industry, I've seen common cases of depression stemming from a relentless pursuit of wealth that strained their relationships due to a seemingly "selfish" approach. I've been guilty of this mindset too, but I swiftly recognised the importance of meaningful connections for my own success. It's crucial to keep in mind that genuine wealth exceeds your financial status; it incorporates the depth of personal relationships and emotional wellbeing.

If you would like to discuss a life plan about this, let’s chat. Send me an email at

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Why do we need sleep & Sleep hygiene?

Sleep is a universal need and a beloved part of life. Yet, struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep can be frustrating. You may have come across the concept of "sleep hygiene," which involves pre-sleep behaviours and routines. I've shared some sleep hygiene tips for you to explore.

Sleep is something we all need and most of us love. But there are few things worse than not being able to get to sleep or having trouble staying asleep. You might have heard of the term sleep hygiene. This term refers to the behaviours and processes you can follow before trying to sleep. I have laid out some sleep hygiene tips below, so keep reading.


  • Be Consistent

Try going to bed and waking up at the same time each night; it can give your body a sense of routine. Following the same steps before you get into bed, like doing your skincare, brushing your teeth, or making a cup of tea, will let your brain know that it's time to get ready to sleep. 


  • Dark, Quiet Room

By turning off your lights and making sure your environment is as quiet as possible, your body can relax, and your brain will slowly start to wind down. Being in a dark environment is what triggers our bodies to start the production of melatonin, a hormone our body produces to induce sleep. 


  • No electronic devices 30 minutes before bed

This one is super important; the blue light emitted from our devices can cause our brains to get confused. The light causes our brains to think we are still in daytime hours, so it doesn't start the slow release of melatonin. Not only that, our electronics are very distracting and often cause us to stay up way later than we should, meaning we are not getting in as many hours of sleep as our bodies would like. 


  • Try getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

This may sound easy for some and super hard for others, but 8 hours is the optimal amount of sleep for most. Oversleeping (10–12 hours) can cause lethargy and reduce your ability to focus; undersleeping (4-5 hours) can also cause these as well as make you feel more easily irritated. 


  • Only use your bed for sleep or intimacy.

By treating your bed the same as you would your couch, your brain will not differentiate between the two. So, when you come to your bed to sleep, your brain will have a hard time realising that's what you want to do. Instead of recognising your bed as a place to unwind and settle into sleep, your brain will think it is another space for activities. 


After implementing some of these changes, you won't necessarily see results immediately, but over time, the quality of your sleep should improve. If it doesn't, it may be time to get a sleep specialist involved, but cross that bridge when you get to it. A few more tips that might work for some are to not take as many or any naps. Naps can give you some energy in the moment, but they can also take away from your quality sleep at night. You can also set aside 30 minutes or so before bed to do some wind-down activities like meditative breathing, stretching, reading, or affirmations. Mediation can be a great way to almost trick your brain into sleeping. If you are someone who feels sleepy, then as soon as you get into bed, think “I can't sleep”, try focusing on meditation instead. If you are just tossing and turning and not able to drift off, it is actually suggested that you get up and read, walk around, or do something else calming, as this will reset your brain a little, and when you lay down again, you may have better success! 


Why is sleep actually important?

Sleep is not only necessary for feeling rested and ready to take on the day; it also affects our bodily functioning—our sleep affects growth, our immune system, the way we breathe, our blood pressure, and so much more. According to research, a lack of sleep can lead to increased health risks, like heart disease and infection. Blood pressure rises and falls during the night, and this is key to healthy cardiovascular functioning. The hormones our bodies release while we sleep helps with cellular repair and more. Your body will really thank you for getting hours of quality sleep.


You can shop on my website for all things essential oils and wellness to help you get on track with your sleep.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Ethical Persuasion: How to Influence and Impact with Integrity

Ethical persuasion involves influencing others without manipulation or deceit. Building trust is key, fostering stronger relationships, increased sales, and a more profound impact on business interactions. As a business coach, I've always believed that success in business goes hand in hand with ethical behaviour and values. Read for more of my insights.

As a business coach, I've always believed that success in business goes hand in hand with ethical behaviour and values. While the idea of persuasion often carries negative associations, ethical persuasion is about influencing and impacting others in a way that aligns with your core values and principles. Let's explore ethical persuasion and how it can be a powerful tool for business success.


Ethical persuasion involves convincing others to see your point of view or take a specific action without resorting to manipulation, deceit, or coercion. It is about building trust and rapport, which are essential in the world of business. When done ethically, persuasion can lead to stronger relationships, increased sales, and more profound influence.


Establish Trust and Credibility

Before you can persuade anyone, you must establish trust and credibility. Clients and colleagues are more likely to listen to someone they trust. Building trust takes time, consistency, and transparency. Always deliver on your promises, admit when you're wrong, and be genuine in your interactions.


Know Your Audience

Effective persuasion begins with understanding your audience. You need to know their needs, values, and motivations. Tailor your message to resonate with them. Show that you genuinely care about their well-being and success. When your audience feels understood and valued, they are more likely to be open to your influence.


Communicate Clearly and Interestingly

Communication is at the heart of persuasion. Be clear and concise in your messaging, and use language that your audience can relate to. Paint a vibrant picture of the benefits they will receive by following your advice or taking the desired action. Use storytelling to illustrate your points and make them memorable.


Provide Value

Ethical persuasion is not about convincing someone to do something against their best interests. It's about demonstrating how your product, service, or idea genuinely adds value to their lives or business. Focus on the benefits and outcomes that matter most to your audience.


Use Social Proof

People often look to the actions of others as a guide for their own decisions. Utilise social proof by showcasing testimonials, case studies, and success stories from satisfied clients or customers. This can help build credibility and reinforce the benefits of your offering.

Be a Problem Solver

Identify the pain points and challenges your audience faces and position yourself as a problem solver. Show how your solution can address their specific needs and improve their situation. When you help others overcome obstacles, you naturally gain influence.


Listen Actively

Effective persuasion is a two-way street. Listen actively to your audience's concerns, objections, and feedback. Demonstrate empathy and a willingness to address their questions or objections honestly. Listening not only builds trust but also provides valuable insights to refine your persuasive approach.

Maintain Ethical Standards

Ethical persuasion is built on integrity and honesty. Never make false claims, exaggerate benefits, or resort to manipulation tactics. Always uphold your ethical standards, even when faced with the temptation to compromise them for short-term gains.


Ethical persuasion is a powerful tool for business coaches and entrepreneurs alike. When practised with integrity, it can lead to positive outcomes, stronger relationships, and a lasting impact on your clients and colleagues. By building trust, understanding your audience, and providing value, you can ethically influence and inspire others to achieve their goals and dreams. Remember, true success is not just about achieving your objectives but also helping others succeed along the way.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Introducing the Power of Manifestation: Turning Dreams into Reality

In a world where self-improvement and personal growth take centre stage, I've noticed the concept of manifestation gaining significant attention. It's a topic often discussed in the realms of spirituality, psychology, and self-help literature. But what exactly is manifestation, and how does it work? Join me as I dive into the essence of manifestation, exploring its principles, techniques, and the potential impact it can have on our lives.

In a world where self-improvement and personal growth are in the spotlight, I've found that the concept of manifestation has captured my interest. It's a topic that frequently arises in discussions about spirituality, psychology, and self-help literature. But what exactly is manifestation, and how does it function? Let's explore the essence of manifestation together, investigating its principles, techniques, and the potential impact it may have on our lives.

At its core, manifestation is the art of transforming your desires, dreams, and intentions into reality through focused thoughts, emotions, and actions. It's based on the belief that your thoughts and emotions can influence the energy around you, ultimately shaping the circumstances and events in your life. Manifestation goes beyond mere wishful thinking; it's about aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions to bring to life the future you envision.

The cornerstone of manifestation is often linked to the Law of Attraction, a concept that suggests "like attracts like." This law implies that the energy you emit—through your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs—will attract similar energy from the universe. In other words, if you radiate positivity and focus on your goals, you'll draw positive outcomes toward you.

The first step in the manifestation process is to clearly define what you want. Be specific about your goals and desires. Vague intentions can lead to unclear results. Imagine yourself already living the life you desire. Engage your senses to create a vivid mental image. Feel the emotions associated with your achievement. Maintain a strong belief that your desired outcome is possible. Nurture positive thoughts and emotions to amplify the energy you're putting into the universe. Align your emotions with your desired outcome. Emotions are a powerful driving force that can either enhance or hinder the manifestation process.

Manifestation is not solely about thoughts and feelings—it also involves taking purposeful actions toward your goals. These actions solidify your commitment and demonstrate your faith in the process. Express gratitude for the progress you've made and the positive changes that are occurring. Gratitude reinforces your positive mindset and attracts more abundance.

Some other tips for creating your perfect life through manifestation:

  1. Use positive affirmations to rewire your subconscious mind and reinforce your belief in your goals.

  2. Create a visual representation of your goals using images, quotes, and symbols. Place it somewhere you'll see it often.

  3. Meditation helps clear your mind, increase focus, and connect with your desires on a deeper level.

  4. Write down your goals, intentions, and the emotions associated with them. This practice can help you gain clarity and track your progress.

  5. Stay present and fully engage in the activities that contribute to your goals.

While manifestation has gathered enthusiastic followers, there are sceptics who view it as overly mystical or lacking scientific evidence. However, there is a growing body of research in fields like positive psychology and neurobiology that suggests our thoughts and emotions can indeed impact our experiences and outcomes.

Manifestation is a tool that empowers individuals to actively shape their lives. It's a blend of mindset, emotion, and action that, when harnessed correctly, can lead to personal growth, goal attainment, and a deeper connection to one's desires. 

Whether you view it through a spiritual lens or a scientific perspective, the underlying principle remains the same: your thoughts are more powerful than you might have imagined, and with focus and intention, you can manifest your dreams into reality.

If you need some positive coaching, guidance, or a sounding board to help manifest your ideal lifestyle, job, business or otherwise into reality, email me at, let’s chat.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Voila! My E-Book has finally launched!

Yep, I finally wrote it after talking about it for years! This book is for people who have little to no knowledge about email marketing or those who are high-volume users who want to use more functionality and fast-forward to get the cheat code. I’d even recommend reading this book if someone does your email marketing for you, so you know at least what the metrics mean and what values are good or bad.

You’re probably saying out loud, “Oh no, not this woman again and here email marketing rants”, but I assure you the reason I’m so passionate about email marketing is that I see how it works and what ROI we get when we use it and let me explain why.

20-something years ago, I worked in Australia’s most prominent nightclub in the Southern Hemisphere as their publicity and membership coordinator. We were sending out old-school birthday cards to our members and patrons, and we wanted to convert them to members every week. Seeing how many returns to senders we received and the cost associated with print and postage, there had to be a far more cost-effective means of communication with our customers.

At the time, email was becoming more of a thing, yet unlike there is now, we didn’t have bulk email marketing systems or CRMS that we could bulk email. Yes, I’m that old! When we were using a membership card that patrons would swipe upon entry, they could load money onto for a cashless and more efficient UX at the bars and throughout the venue. We were collecting customer sales data but weren’t doing much with it. The company that had the app for our memberships was from Vegas as that’s where the technology was being used and championed. We asked, “Is there a way we can digitize and segment customer preferences? For example - if someone was drinking Grey Goose or Champagne, could we target offers and invitations to them and reach out via email”? So was born the first system I was involved in, which was custom-built for us to niche in on our demographics and then email out marketing emails for various purposes.

Being a part of that hands-on team to beta test the custom build was awesome, and what we were able to do communication-wise was amazing and very ahead of its time.

With a natural curiosity for tech and a love of data and what we can learn from it, I was always the person who would adopt or review new technologies and then roll them out for my venues or clients. My first port of call would always be to see what kind of database size was I working with, how could I tidy up the data and get more people into our communications pod, and then what could we send out to the right people and market to them based on past preferences, gender (yep this was the old days remember) and visit history and more.

I would create email-specific offers to track the redemption and measure the validity and worth of the system. So we could prove to our managers that this platform was for us working and why it was so essential for us to have a database growth strategy in place to not only grow our database but to account for any drop-offs and unsubscribes.

Over the past decade of having my own agency where email is one of the core fundamentals and tools in our marketing arsenal, I’ve been able to work even more on email marketing, beta testing for my friends at MyGuestlist and always being asked how the platform can improve or when new features were rolled out I was invited to test or try and break them.

I have created, tested, and sent millions if not billions of emails out for clients and I get the benefit of A/B testing, trying new communication and design trends, I get to see what works and what doesn’t and then I get to continue to refine my skills, get better open rates and click thru each and every time, because I look at all this data to see what we can learn from it.

I’ve written course prospectus for educational institutions about the topic, hosted short workshops or more in depth masterclasses for those wanting to hone in their skills and “pick my brain”. So it was only natural that at some point, I’d write the playbook for all things email marketing (or at the very least an intro to get you going)

This book is for people who have little to no knowledge about email marketing or those that are high-volume users who want to use more functionality and to fast-forward to get the cheat code.
I’d even recommend reading this book if someone does your email marketing for you, so you know at least what the metrics mean and what values are good or bad.

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed nerding out while writing it. There was so much more I could have included, but that’s the second book or better at one of my online sessions.

If you have any questions or feedback or would like to chat about how my companies, Creative Little Soul and Creative Little Solutions, can provide you with email marketing campaigns or just a platform to use to create your emails, get in touch. We’d love to help and hear from you.

Purchase here: Email Marketing Essentials for Small Businesses - EBOOK — Chrissy Symeonakis

Thanks for your support


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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Embracing Change: Igniting Personal Growth and Motivation

Embracing change can be challenging, but it's essential for success. Change is a potent catalyst for personal and professional growth, pushing us beyond our comfort zones to unlock new possibilities. Read this article to know change is inevitable and needed.

The word "change" can often be challenging to confront or manage, yet it's an inevitable aspect of our life's journey. Change plays a crucial role in shaping both our successes and our identities. While it's natural to find it daunting, it's important not to fear change. Clinging to our comfort zones may hinder our progress, especially if we're aiming for success. Embracing change, on the other hand, can lead to newfound motivation and growth. So, what's holding you back? It's time to let go and embrace the opportunities that change can bring.


The Comfort Zone: A False Sense of Security

Comfort zones are the mental and emotional spaces where we feel safe and at ease. They encompass routines, habits, and situations that we are accustomed to. While comfort zones provide a sense of security, they can also become barriers that inhibit personal development. Staying within these confines prevents us from challenging ourselves, acquiring new skills, and broadening our horizons. Embracing change requires us to recognize the limitations of our comfort zones and acknowledge that true growth lies beyond them.


Learning Through Challenges

When we choose to step out of our comfort zones, we invite challenges into our lives. These challenges may seem daunting at first, but they are the catalysts for transformation. When we tackle new tasks or confront unfamiliar situations, we engage our minds and bodies in ways that foster adaptability and innovation. The process of navigating through challenges sharpens our problem-solving skills, enhances our creativity, and strengthens our resilience.


Unleashing Personal Growth

Embracing change paves the way for personal growth in various aspects of our lives. Whether it's acquiring new knowledge, learning a skill, or simply gaining a different perspective, change propels us forward. As we step into uncharted territory, we shed the limitations of our former selves and evolve into more well-rounded individuals. Each step we take outside our comfort zone is a step toward becoming the best version of ourselves.


Fueling Motivation and Passion

Stagnation often breeds complacency, leading to a lack of motivation and zest for life. Embracing change revitalizes our spirits and reignites our passions. The thrill of exploring the unknown and the anticipation of potential rewards provide us with a renewed sense of purpose. Every achievement, no matter how small, becomes a source of motivation that drives us to continue pushing our boundaries.


Overcoming Fear

It's natural to feel apprehensive about change. Fear of the unknown and uncertainty about outcomes can hold us back. However, growth rarely occurs in the absence of discomfort. Embracing change is an act of courage, a declaration that we are willing to face our fears and conquer them. With each triumph over our apprehensions, our confidence grows, and the fear of change diminishes.


Final Thoughts!

Embracing change is not just a choice; it's a fundamental aspect of human development. Stepping out of our comfort zones is essential for personal growth, as it challenges us to evolve, adapt, and thrive. By overcoming fear, embracing challenges, and nurturing our motivation, we can unlock our full potential and create a life enriched by experiences and accomplishments. So, let us welcome change with open arms, for it is through change that we discover the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.

 If you're looking for positive coaching, guidance, or simply a sounding board to bring your ideal lifestyle, job, business, or any other dreams to life, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at Let's have a conversation about how I can assist you.





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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Don't Worry About the Little Things.

This month, I've delved into a new book that has shifted my perspective, encouraging me to redirect my attention away from trivial matters and toward what truly counts. Richard Carlson's book, titled "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... and It's All Small Stuff," has been the source of this enlightening journey. Let’s discuss it!

Life is a tapestry woven with threads of both significant events and trivial moments. Often, we find ourselves caught up in the minutiae of daily life, allowing small concerns to overshadow the bigger picture. In the pursuit of a balanced and fulfilling life, it's important to learn the art of not sweating the small stuff. I've been reading a new book this month, and it has opened my eyes to things that I truly shouldn’t be focusing on and focus on things that matter. This book is by Richard Carlson called "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... and It's All Small Stuff".


The Power of Perspective

In his book, Carlson emphasises the power of perspective when dealing with life's challenges. He suggests stepping back and considering whether the issue will truly matter in the long run. This practice can help us gain clarity and recognise the relative importance of various situations. By adjusting our perspective, we can alleviate the weight of trivial concerns and free ourselves from unnecessary stress.


Choosing Your Battles

Carlson's advice aligns with the concept of choosing our battles wisely. He suggests that not every conflict or disagreement warrants our attention or emotional investment. Instead of allowing minor disagreements to escalate, we can choose to prioritise harmony and understanding in our relationships, in line with Carlson's wisdom.


Mindfulness and Living in the Present

Mindfulness, a cornerstone of Carlson's teachings, encourages us to focus on the present moment. By practising mindfulness, we become more attuned to our experiences and less entangled in worries about the past or future. This practice aligns with Carlson's message of letting go of the small stuff and appreciating the beauty of each moment.


Prioritising Well-being

One of my mantras is to focus on your well-being and although I advocate for this, Carlson’s philosophy on this is the idea that our well-being needs to remain the top priority, because it can have a negative impact on our mental and physical health. Carlson's approach encourages us to consciously allocate our mental and emotional energy to that which truly matters, safeguarding our well-being in the process.


Cultivating Gratitude

The practice of cultivating gratitude, which Carlson touches upon in his book, is a solution to the stress caused by trivial concerns. By focusing on what we're grateful for, we shift our perspective and diminish the significance of minor inconveniences. This aligns with Carlson's idea of not sweating the small stuff and finding contentment in life's blessings.


Embracing Imperfection

The one thing I don’t do is this, I am a perfectionist, although I make mistakes, I pride myself on the details. Carlson's teachings also echo the importance of embracing imperfection. Instead of fixating on minor flaws or mistakes, he encourages us to adopt a mindset of continuous improvement and personal growth. This approach allows us to let go of perfectionism and redirect our energy towards learning to embrace imperfections.


After reading Richard Carlson's book "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... and It's All Small Stuff," we can navigate life's complexities with greater ease and serenity. It’s hard to say that I will implement these today, but by shedding light on the fact I am focusing on the wrong things, it makes me realise that I need to embrace change and shift my focus onto the things that matter. 

Read some more blogs below.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Networking: The Secret Sauce for Business Success

I'd like to offer insights drawn from my experience as a business coach regarding a topic that's frequently overlooked yet holds immense significance in achieving success: networking. Let me share with you why I think this is important for business success.

Today, I want to share some insights from my experience as a business coach on a topic that's often underestimated but plays a crucial role in achieving success; networking. So, sit back, relax, and let's delve into why networking is vital for your business.

Building relationships and trust

In the business world, relationships are everything. Networking is the tool that allows you to nurture and expand your professional circle. These connections can lead to partnerships, collaborations, and opportunities that you might never encounter otherwise. When you invest time in networking, you're investing in building trust. People are more likely to do business with those they know and trust, making networking a cornerstone for long-term success.

Access to knowledge and expertise

No one knows it all, and that's where networking shines. It opens doors to a wealth of knowledge and expertise. By connecting with others in your industry or related fields, you gain access to valuable insights, best practices, and the latest industry trends. You can learn from their successes and failures, helping you avoid common pitfalls and make informed decisions.

Finding mentorship and guidance

Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your business journey, having a mentor or advisor can be a game-changer. Networking provides an avenue to meet experienced professionals who are often willing to share their wisdom. A mentor can provide guidance, offer a fresh perspective, and help you navigate the challenges that come with running a business.

Unearthing new opportunities

One of the most exciting things about networking is the potential for discovering new opportunities. These opportunities can take many forms – from joint ventures and collaborations to referrals and job openings. You never know when a chance encounter or a conversation at a networking event might lead to your next big break. Keep in mind that opportunities often arise from the connections you make.

Marketing your brand

In today's digital age, personal branding is as important as branding your business. Networking allows you to showcase your expertise and personality, creating a compelling personal brand. As you build meaningful relationships, people will naturally become interested in what you do. Word-of-mouth marketing is powerful, and your network can become your most enthusiastic advocates, helping to spread the word about your business.

Staying informed and adapting

The business landscape is constantly evolving. Networking keeps you in the loop and helps you stay informed about industry changes, market trends, and emerging technologies. This knowledge is priceless for adapting your business strategies and staying ahead of the competition. Remember, in business, those who adapt thrive.

Overcoming isolation

Running a business can sometimes feel like a lonely journey, especially for solo entrepreneurs or small business owners. Networking provides a sense of community and support. Connecting with like-minded individuals who understand your challenges can be comforting and motivating. It reminds you that you're not alone on this entrepreneurial path.

In the world of business, your network truly is your net worth. Networking isn't about collecting business cards or attending events for the sake of it. It's about fostering genuine connections, building trust, and mutually benefiting from relationships. So, whether you're an extrovert who thrives in social settings or an introvert who prefers one-on-one conversations, remember that networking can be tailored to your style.

As a business coach, I've witnessed countless success stories that trace back to the power of networking. It's an investment in yourself, your business, and your future. So, go ahead, expand your horizons, and embrace the incredible opportunities that await you through networking. Your next breakthrough might be just one connection away!

If you’d like some help with networking, I am plugged in and connected with many groups and communities across all walks of life. If you’d like help in finding ‘your people’, reach out and let’s get you networking. 

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Celebrating Small Wins: Why this is important for your growth journey.

As we strive to achieve our goals and successes, whether in our personal or professional lives, we frequently direct our attention to significant milestones and major achievements. Yet, the importance of acknowledging and celebrating small victories should never be underestimated. Read more about why this is important for your success.

In any journey towards achieving our goals and successes, whether personal or professional, we often focus on the grand milestones and major accomplishments. However, the significance of celebrating small wins should never be underestimated. Small wins create momentum and help keep you motivated towards the bigger goals that you wish to accomplish. For example, have you ever wanted to lose 10kgs, then lose momentum because you didn’t make it or it isn’t happening quick enough? That’sn because your mindset is focused on the end goal, not looking at the little things, like my clothes are getting looser, I have more energy, or even something like I sleep better. These seemingly minor achievements play a pivotal role in sustaining motivation and fostering a positive mindset.

After immersing myself in the audiobook "The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work" authored by Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer, I have not only collected insights from their perspectives but have also created my own thoughts on the significance of acknowledging and celebrating small victories.

In their insightful work, Amabile and Kramer clarify the profound impact that seemingly minor achievements can have on our overall sense of satisfaction, engagement, and creativity in the workplace. The essence of the "Progress Principle" lies in recognising the power that small wins hold in shaping our experiences and driving us toward greater success.

Here, are my personal reflections on why acknowledging and celebrating small victories is so important:

1. Progress Tracking: Celebrating small wins allows us to track our progress more effectively. It's like marking milestones on a map as we traverse a challenging terrain. Each small win is a checkpoint that validates our efforts and demonstrates how far we've come. Write it down, have a time set up weekly of the things that you have done this week towards that goal. Every week it will look like you are gaining more steps towards the goal,  rather than feeling like you are too far behind. 

2. Boosting Confidence: Accomplishing even the smallest tasks can boost our confidence and self-esteem. As we celebrate these mini-successes, we begin to believe in our abilities, which in turn fuels our motivation to tackle more substantial challenges. 

3. Overcoming Plateaus: Progress isn't always linear. There are times when we hit plateaus or encounter obstacles that seem insurmountable. Celebrating small wins during these times can rekindle our sense of achievement and push us to persevere through difficult phases.

4. Fostering Creativity: The "Progress Principle" serves as a catalyst for creative thinking. By celebrating small victories, we instill a sense of accomplishment that empowers us to explore innovative solutions and take calculated risks. As we celebrate our ability to overcome challenges, we gain the confidence to think outside the box and contribute novel ideas.

5. Reinforcing Positive Habits: Celebrating small wins reinforces the positive habits and behaviours that led to those victories. This positive reinforcement makes it more likely that we'll continue practicing these habits, ultimately propelling us towards our larger goals.

6. Nurturing Well-Being: The act of celebrating small wins nurtures our well-being by fostering a sense of fulfillment and contentment. These moments of recognition offer a respite from the relentless pursuit of larger goals, allowing us to savour the journey and find joy in our everyday accomplishments.

6. Managing Impatience: Ambitious goals often take time to materialize. Celebrating small wins can help us manage feelings of impatience and frustration. By acknowledging the progress we've made, we become more patient and better equipped to stay the course.

7. Preventing Burnout: The pursuit of significant goals can be mentally and emotionally taxing. Celebrating small wins injects moments of joy and satisfaction into the journey, preventing burnout and maintaining our enthusiasm over the long haul.

8. Cultivating a Growth Mindset: A growth mindset emphasises learning and development. Celebrating small wins aligns with this mindset by focusing on the process rather than just the end result. This perspective encourages us to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

9. Encouraging Perseverance: In the face of setbacks, celebrating small wins reminds us of our capacity to overcome adversity. This perspective encourages us to persevere and continue striving, even when faced with challenges.

10. Joy in the Journey: Celebrating small wins helps us find joy in the journey itself. We often become so focused on the destination that we forget to appreciate the path we're walking. Acknowledging small victories reminds us that the journey is as important as the destination.

Incorporating a habit of celebrating small wins can transform the way we approach our goals. It shifts our focus from waiting for the big breakthroughs to embracing the daily victories that make the journey meaningful. By doing so, we create a positive feedback loop that fuels our motivation, bolsters our resilience, and ultimately leads us to success.

If you’re looking to work towards any size goal or accomplishment and need some assistance, get in touch. I would love to help you put in place some strategy to help you achieve these milestones, so you can tick those goals off with your very own cheer squad. Email me at

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

The Power of Setting Healthy Boundaries: Why You Need to Do It More

In the rush of modern life, self-care often falters amid responsibilities. Yet, setting boundaries—be it in relationships, work, or self—is a vital form of self-care and empowerment. This blog underscores the need for improvement. Discover why creating healthy boundaries, crucial for personal growth, deserves prioritisation.

In the whirlwind of modern life, where responsibilities and commitments often seem never-ending, taking care of ourselves can sometimes take a backseat. One key practice that often gets overlooked but holds immense importance is setting healthy boundaries. Whether it's in our personal relationships, work environment, or even with ourselves, establishing boundaries is a crucial act of self-care and empowerment.  As a people pleaser, I suck when it comes to setting boundaries. I even have two tattoos to remind me too. One that says “nope” and the other that says “self”. Both in plain sight, so I am forced to get better with it and this blog is a reminder that I need to do it more too. 

So, with that, we'll delve into why setting healthy boundaries is essential and why you should prioritise doing it more.

1. Respect for Your Well-being: Setting boundaries is a way of demonstrating respect for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Just as you wouldn't knowingly put yourself in harm's way, allowing situations that drain your energy, time, or emotions without limit can have a similar effect. By establishing boundaries, you communicate to yourself and others that your well-being matters.

2. Preserving Your Energy: Think of your energy as a limited resource. Every task, interaction, or commitment you engage in requires a portion of that energy. As someone with a chronic illness and disability, I have fewer energy stores than most, so this is a HUGE thing for me that I need to get better at. When we set boundaries, we allocate our energy more efficiently. You prioritise tasks and relationships that nourish you while minimising those that drain you. This leads to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

3. Enhancing Relationships: Boundaries foster healthier relationships. They communicate your needs and limitations clearly, preventing misunderstandings and resentment. By setting expectations upfront, you create an environment of trust and open communication. Respect for each other's boundaries leads to more authentic connections.

4. Empowerment and Self-Respect: When you set and maintain healthy boundaries, you're asserting your autonomy and self-respect. It's an empowering act that demonstrates you have control over your life and choices. This sense of empowerment can ripple into other aspects of your life, boosting your self-esteem and confidence.

5. Reducing Stress and Burnout: Overcommitting and constantly saying yes can lead to burnout. Boundaries act as a shield against excessive stress and burnout by helping you manage your responsibilities effectively. You create space to rest, recharge, and engage in activities that bring you joy. As someone who has worked until burnout, I can confirm this isn’t fun for you or anyone around you. 

6. Growth and Personal Development: Setting boundaries often involves self-reflection and understanding your needs and limits. This process of self-discovery contributes to your personal growth. As you learn more about yourself, you can make intentional choices that align with your values and goals.

7. Modelling Healthy Behaviour: By setting boundaries, you model healthy behaviour for others in your life, such as friends, family, and colleagues. Your actions can inspire them to prioritise their well-being and establish boundaries too.

8. Clearer Priorities: Boundaries help you identify your true priorities. When you can't say no, you may find yourself entangled in tasks or commitments that don't align with your goals. Setting boundaries empowers you to make choices that resonate with your aspirations.

Setting healthy boundaries isn't selfish; it's an act of self-love and self-care. It enables you to take charge of your life, make intentional decisions, and create a harmonious balance between your personal and professional spheres. By respecting your own boundaries, you teach others how to respect them as well, fostering healthier relationships and a more fulfilling life. So, let's make a commitment to ourselves to set and maintain healthy boundaries, one step at a time. Our well-being deserves it.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Unleashing the Power of Neuro Linguistic Programming: Discovering Its Transformative Benefits

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) emerges as a potent instrument for comprehending and redefining human behaviour and communication. Let's delve deeper into its intricacies and explore the advantages it can offer you.

In the realm of personal development and self-improvement, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) stands out as a powerful tool for understanding and reshaping human behaviour and communication. Rooted in the belief that our thoughts, language, and actions are deeply interconnected, NLP offers a unique approach to personal growth, effective communication, and achieving desired outcomes. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of NLP and explore its profound benefits.

Enhancing Self-Awareness: 

One of the primary benefits of NLP lies in its ability to enhance self-awareness. By understanding the connection between our thoughts, language patterns, and behaviours, we can gain deep insights into our own patterns of thinking and responding. NLP techniques facilitate self-reflection and help identify limiting beliefs and thought patterns that may be holding us back. Through this awareness, we can break free from self-imposed limitations and open a world of possibilities.

Effective Communication: 

Communication plays a pivotal role in our personal and professional lives. NLP provides powerful tools for improving communication skills. By studying and applying NLP techniques, individuals can develop the ability to understand others more effectively, build rapport, and influence others positively. NLP offers strategies for improving non-verbal communication, listening skills, and understanding different communication styles. This heightened level of communication proficiency can lead to more harmonious relationships, successful negotiations, and increased influence.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Phobias: 

Limiting beliefs and phobias can stunt personal growth and restrict us from reaching our full potential. NLP offers a range of techniques to address and overcome these limitations. Through processes such as reframing, anchoring, and Timeline Therapy, NLP enables individuals to restructure their beliefs, release negative emotions, and create empowering states of mind. By replacing limiting beliefs with empowering ones, individuals can experience profound personal transformation and break free from self-imposed barriers.

Goal Setting and Achievement: 

NLP provides a structured framework for effective goal setting and achievement. By utilising techniques such as outcome thinking, creating well-formed outcomes, and employing sensory acuity, individuals can clarify their goals, create compelling visions, and design effective action plans. NLP also offers strategies to harness motivation and maintain focus, enabling individuals to stay on track and overcome obstacles along their journey towards success.

Personal Empowerment and Self-Confidence: 

NLP empowers individuals to take charge of their lives and cultivate unwavering self-confidence. Through techniques like anchoring positive emotional states, modelling excellence, and accessing resourceful states, NLP enables individuals to tap into their inner potential and improve their self-esteem. By rewiring their internal dialogue and reframing past experiences, individuals can build a strong foundation of self-belief and self-assurance, leading to greater personal and professional success.

Neuro Linguistic Programming offers a fascinating and comprehensive approach to personal growth and effective communication. By exploring the intricate connections between our thoughts, language, and behaviours, NLP empowers individuals to transform their lives, overcome limitations, and achieve their desired outcomes. 

Whether you seek to enhance self-awareness, improve communication skills, overcome limiting beliefs, or boost self-confidence, NLP provides a wealth of tools and techniques to help you on your journey towards personal excellence. Embrace the power of NLP and unlock your true potential.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Mastering Time Management: Practical strategies to boost productivity and sustain motivation.

You've likely come across the term "time management," but do you truly grasp its essence and the key to skillfully handling your time? If you're curious about effective time management strategies, dive into this read for valuable tips and insights.

Time is an invaluable resource. It flows continuously and demands precise management for us to achieve our goals and dreams. In a world buzzing with distractions and obligations, honing effective time management skills is not only beneficial but crucial. Today, we will go through a comprehensive (although not exhaustive) guide on how to harness time to your advantage, allocate time efficiently, and maintain motivation to conquer your goals.

1. Set SMART Goals

Have a look at your goals and either reword or reset them according to the SMART philosophy. Each goal that you set should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. This helps you to establish clear objectives and provide direction, purpose, and urgency, which will make it easier to allocate time effectively and track your progress.

2. Create a To-Do list.

Physically writing down your To-Do list can provide endless motivation. There are numerous studies that show putting pen to paper triggers a response in the brain and helps you to retain information better. This can also provide a hit of dopamine for every time you are able to cross a task off your list.

2. Prioritise your tasks.

Use the Eisenhower Matrix. Categorise your tasks according to: Urgent and Important, Important but NOT Urgent, Urgent but NOT Important, and Neither Urgent nor Important. Using this technique will help you to focus on what truly matters, which will prevent the grave mistake of spending too much time on trivial tasks.

3. Take regular breaks.

The Pomodoro Technique teaches us that regular breaks can help to retain focus and provide motivation. This technique is very simple; work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. After completing 4 cycles, you take a longer break. This cycling process can also prevent burnout.

4. Avoid multitasking.

Focus on one task at a time. Multitasking often leads to decreased productivity and increased stress. Allocate your full attention to one task, complete it, and then move on to the next task.

5. Practice the two-minute rule.

Simply put, have a look at your To-Do list, write next to each task a rough time to completion. Any tasks that would take two minutes or less to complete, tackle these immediately. This prevents small tasks from accumulating and becoming overwhelming. This will also give you that dopamine hit of checking off a task, and will fuel your momentum to tackle those longer, harder tasks.

Time management is a skill that requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to adapt. By prioritising your tasks, setting clear goals, and implementing practical strategies you can make the most of your time, accomplish tasks efficiently, and maintain a motivated and productive mindset. Remember, effective time management isn’t just about managing time; it’s about managing yourself and your energy to achieve your full potential. Start implementing these strategies today, and watch as your productivity soars to new heights.

If you need help with getting your priorities straight or need a coach to give you a kick in the pants to get it done, Chrissy can help with that. Reach out to her to discuss how she can help you be the best version of yourself and achieve all your potential holds.

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