Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Embracing Resilience: Finding Motivation Despite Chronic Pain or Disability

Life has a remarkable way of presenting us with challenges, and for some, those challenges manifest as chronic pain or disabilities. Here I take a deep dive into some ways to stay the course of the journey and work with your mindset, not against it.

While it might feel like an uphill battle, it's essential to remember that you possess an incredible wellspring of strength and resilience within you. People often ask me how I can manage living and working with multiple health conditions and illnesses and remain so positive (most of the time).

I’ve outlined a few ways we'll explore the concept of resilience and delve into actionable ways to stay motivated and thrive, even in the face of chronic pain or disability.

Understanding Resilience

Resilience is the capacity to adapt, recover, and flourish in the face of adversity. It's not about avoiding or denying the challenges you encounter; instead, it's about learning to navigate them with grace and determination. Resilience is not a fixed trait—it can be nurtured and developed over time.

1. Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Your mindset plays a pivotal role in shaping your experience. While chronic pain or disability may impose limitations, focusing on what you can do, rather than what you can't, can empower you. Practice gratitude for the abilities you still have and remind yourself of your strengths and achievements.

2. Set Realistic Goals

Goal setting provides direction and purpose. Break down your larger goals into smaller, achievable steps. Celebrate each milestone you reach, no matter how modest. This incremental progress can serve as a constant source of motivation.

3. Practice Self-Care

Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being is crucial. Prioritise adequate sleep, nourishing foods, and regular exercise that aligns with your abilities. Engage in activities that bring you joy and help you relax, whether it's reading, listening to music, or practising mindfulness.

4. Seek Support and Connect

You don't have to navigate this journey alone. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups who understand your challenges. Connecting with others who share similar experiences can provide validation, empathy, and a sense of belonging. Facebook support groups and peer groups have really helped me when I can’t sleep at 3am or if I have questions, I don’t feel comfortable broaching with my physicians. Find your community and tribe online, guaranteed there is something out there going through the same or similar experiences you are, that can add great support and comradery with. 

5. Embrace Adaptive Strategies

Adaptation is key to thriving with chronic pain or disability. Explore assistive devices, tools, or techniques that can make daily tasks more manageable. Embrace your creativity and problem-solving skills to find innovative solutions that work for you. Where possible also look at things you can outsource or delegate. A fortnightly cleaner helps hugely with tasks around my home too hard or dangerous for me to do. Also ordering for delivery at my weekly grocery shop. I’m conserving energy by not having to do either of these tasks and these smart swaps too save me increased stress and in the long run money too.

6. Focus on Passion and Purpose

Engaging in activities that align with your passions and values can infuse your life with purpose. Whether it's pursuing a hobby, volunteering, or advocating for a cause, these pursuits can ignite your motivation and provide a sense of fulfilment.

7. Practice Mindfulness and Stress Reduction

Mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, visualisation and journaling, can help you manage stress and cultivate a sense of calm. By staying present at the moment, you can reduce anxiety and increase your overall well-being.

8. Celebrate Resilience

Acknowledge and celebrate your resilience. Reflect on the challenges you've overcome and the progress you've made. By recognising your own strength, you can reinforce your belief in your ability to persevere.

Resilience is a powerful force that can help you transcend the limitations of chronic pain or disability. By adopting a positive mindset, setting goals, seeking support, and embracing adaptive strategies, you can stay motivated and continue to lead a fulfilling life. Remember, your journey is unique, and every step forward, no matter how small, is a testament to your unwavering strength and determination. If you ever want to chat, reach out and together we can find some solutions or services that can better assist you in your daily life and challenges.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

How to overcome public speaking?

The act of public speaking can be extremely intimidating. Addressing even a small audience has the potential to heighten our anxiety levels. Read more for some tips on how to overcome your fear of public speaking.

Public speaking can be quite daunting. Speaking in front of even the smallest crowd can make our anxiety rise. We start getting a little nervous knowing all eyes are going to be on us. We might feel a little off balance, maybe start sweating, feel the jitters coming on - all of which are normal. However, if these nervous feelings don’t get better once you’ve started your speech (or if they get even worse) then keep reading because I have some tips for overcoming your fear of public speaking, or for at least dealing with that fear so it wont stress you out as much. 

  1. Practice Practice Practice 

By practicing your speech over and over it will take away the likelihood of you messing it up upon delivery. Practice also helps us to feel more in control of the situation and more confident in front of the crowd as well. Practice in front of a mirror, in front of family or in front of friends, I promise it will help! 

  1. Know what it is you’re talking about

The more you know about the content of your speech or presentation, the better! You will deliver a more engaging speech if you actually know what youre talking about. But more than that, you will feel more confident delivering the speech and thus feel more at ease leading up to it. 

  1. Wear something you feel confident in

While this one may seem silly, we are often nervous in front of crowds because we are worried about what they are thinking of us. Whether that be our appearance, demeanor or contents of our speech. So to combat self-consciousness and give us a little confidence kick, wear your favourite outfit and it will help to break down that self-consciousness a little allowing your brain to focus more power on what matters. 

  1. Do some self-centering breathing

Breath work is super important when it comes to calming ourselves down and reducing anxiety. Taking some deep breaths with your hand over your heart before your speech is a great way to center yourself, calm your mind and organise your thoughts. Take a few deep breaths now and see how good it feels! Don’t be afraid to pause for a moment during your speech to take a deep breath, quiet moments or silences during your speech are not a bad thing and if taking a second to breathe will help you make it to the end then go for it.

  1. Be organised 

If your presentation or speech requires visual aids or questions from the audience, plan ahead of time when you will bring these out. Have your visual aids ready to go and have a back up plan in case there is technological failure (i.e your powerpoint file corrupts). As for questions from the audience; think of some common questions that may be asked and prepare for these. This is also where knowing your topic comes  in handy! 

  1. Don’t criticize yourself after

Once your speech is done, be proud! Even if there were things you could've done better, or there was an awkward silence or whatever else may have gone wrong in your eyes - you did it! Positively reinforcing yourself will get you a whole lot further than criticism. Remember this, the way you delivered your speech doesn’t define who you are or your intelligence, it is just a speech!

To summarise, the best way to combat feelings of anxiety and dread leading up a speech is to be prepared, arm yourself with some confidence and don’t be too hard on yourself if it goes pear shaped. If you really feel like your fear of public speaking is holding you back as you can’t even make it through without having to stop, then talk to a mental health professional. They will be able to help you achieve your goals and give more personalised coping strategies. I hope these tips can help you and if you’d like more info on becoming confident check out one of our previous blogs on how to feel more confident.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

The Power of Mentorship: Accelerating Your Path to Success

Having a mentor is a game-changer in the pursuit of personal and professional growth. They go beyond being mere guides; they become a wellspring of inspiration, wisdom, and unwavering support. Read this blog to find out more.

In the journey of personal and professional growth, having a mentor by your side can make a remarkable difference. A mentor is not just a guide but a source of inspiration, wisdom, and support. They provide valuable insights, share experiences, and offer guidance that can propel you forward. Mentors have always played a significant role in my life, guiding and inspiring me along my journey.

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of having a mentor and how their presence can contribute to your success.

1. Gaining Perspective and Clarity:

A mentor brings a fresh perspective to your goals and challenges. They have been through similar experiences and can offer insights that you may have not considered. Their wisdom and guidance can help you gain clarity, make informed decisions, and avoid common pitfalls.

2. Knowledge and Expertise:

Mentors are often seasoned professionals who have honed their skills and achieved success in their respective fields. Their expertise and knowledge are invaluable resources that they willingly share with you. By tapping into their wealth of experience, you can learn from their successes and failures, acquiring valuable skills and insights that can fast-track your growth.

3. Building a Support Network:

A mentor not only provides guidance but also becomes a part of your support network. They genuinely care about your success and are invested in your growth. They can introduce you to their network, open doors to opportunities, and provide valuable connections that can enhance your career or business prospects.

4. Accountability and Motivation:

One of the key benefits of having a mentor is the accountability they provide. They hold you to a higher standard and push you to reach your full potential. With their support, you are motivated to set and achieve ambitious goals, staying focused and disciplined along the way. A mentor's encouragement and belief in your abilities can boost your confidence and drive.

5. Personal and Professional Development:

A mentor plays a crucial role in your personal and professional development. They can help you identify and leverage your strengths, address weaknesses, and develop new skills. Their guidance can help you navigate challenging situations, learn from setbacks, and embrace continuous improvement. With a mentor, you are constantly learning and growing, unlocking your true potential.

6. Emotional Support and Guidance:

Beyond the practical aspects, a mentor provides emotional support during your journey. They understand the challenges and obstacles you face and can offer guidance to overcome them. They can be a sounding board for your ideas and concerns, offering a safe space for reflection and growth. A mentor's encouragement and belief in you can instil confidence and resilience.

In a world of endless possibilities, having a mentor can be a game-changer. Their guidance, expertise, and support can propel you forward, accelerating your path to success. The insights they provide, the knowledge they share, and the relationships they help foster are invaluable assets in your personal and professional journey.

Embrace the power of mentorship and unlock your true potential. Seek out a mentor who aligns with your goals, values, and aspirations, and embark on a transformative journey of growth and achievement.

If you're seeking a coach and mentor to propel yourself and your business to new heights, where the possibilities are limitless, feel free to reach out to me at I'd be thrilled to discuss how I can assist you.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Mid-year blues, how to get out of the funk you are in?

As winter takes hold and we find ourselves at the midpoint of the year, it's common to feel overwhelmed or uncertain about our progress. However, this phase offers a perfect opportunity to reassess, recalibrate, and realign our vision and goals for the months ahead. Experiencing the mid-year blues is a common, but fear not! There are numerous strategies you can do to break free from the funk. Read for suggestions.

As winter sets in and we reach the midpoint of the year, many individuals experience a sense of being overwhelmed and feeling unaccomplished. However, this juncture presents an opportune moment to reevaluate and realign your vision and goals for the remainder of the year. It's also crucial to take some time out for yourself during this period. Feeling the mid-year blues is common, but there are several strategies you can employ to get out of the funk. Here are some suggestions:

·       Reflect and Realign:

Take some time to reflect on your goals and priorities. Evaluate if your current path aligns with your values and aspirations. Look back on everything you told yourself you would do and, if necessary, make adjustments or set new goals that will excite and motivate you. There is nothing wrong with changing the dates of your goals, just reevaluate them on how you can make them work.

·       Break It Down: Often your mid-year blues is from you having set a higher expectation to what you wanted to achieve and you know now that it can’t be done. Firstly, break your larger goals into smaller ones and write down what you have achieved so far. Secondly, write down the tasks that you need to do now to get there. Remember to focus on one task at a time, celebrating each small accomplishment along the way. This can help you regain a sense of momentum.

·       Self-Care should be number one:  Self-care is a deeply individual practice, as it varies from person to person. Factors such as traumas and mental health conditions influence the selection of appropriate steps to enhance your self-care routine. It is essential to recognize and prioritize the strategies that best cater to your unique needs and circumstances. An effective self-care plan should encompass various aspects to promote overall well-being. It should focus on stress reduction, effective time management, relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, overcoming procrastination, fostering assertiveness, and developing healthy habits. By incorporating these elements into your self-care routine, you can enhance your physical, mental, and emotional wellness. Taking care of yourself can boost your mood and overall well-being. If you want to read more, check out another article we have here.

·       Get Support: This is a very hard thing to say to people because it may feel like you have failed if you have to go to someone else for help. However, reaching out to friends, family, or a support network can help with new ideas or motivate you to change your goals more effectively. Get Support could also mean thinking about ways to improve your business with outsourcing and finding a VA or agency to help. Assess what you are feeling and what your concerns are and speak to someone you trust.

·       Set Exciting Challenges: Ok, you may be thinking, I already am in a ‘funk’ What could more challenges do? Well, introducing new challenges or learning opportunities into your routine can help reignite your enthusiasm and sense of growth. Explore a new hobby, take up a course, or set personal challenges that push you outside of your comfort zone.

·       You should always Celebrate!: We often forget all the things that we have achieved and think about the things that we haven’t. Maybe you need to take a moment to acknowledge your achievements and milestones, no matter how small. Recognising your progress can boost your self-confidence and motivation to keep going.

·       Incorporate Positivity: Surround yourself with positivity in all aspects of your life. Seek out inspirational books, podcasts, or motivational content that uplifts your spirits. Practice the art of gratitude by focusing on the things you are thankful for in your life. Cultivating a positive mindset can help shift your perspective and increase your spirit.

·       Connect with others: As a business owner who works from home, physical socialising doesn’t happen often. However, engaging in meaningful conversations, volunteering, or joining clubs and organisations can provide a sense of belonging and purpose. “Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another.” ― Thomas Merton, Love and Living

·       Plan Breaks or Getaways: Schedule breaks or plan a vacation to recharge and rejuvenate. Taking time away from your routine can help you gain a fresh perspective and return with renewed energy and motivation.

·       If nothing is working, seek professional help: If you find that the mid-year blues persist and significantly impact your daily life, it may be beneficial to seek support from a mental health professional. They can provide guidance and strategies tailored to your specific needs.


Every individual's journey is distinct, and it's completely normal to experience both ups and downs along the way. It's important to regularly pause and reflect on how you can improve and grow. Be patient with yourself and concentrate on taking small steps towards rekindling your motivation and finding joy. Initiate the process of overcoming your current funk today, and you'll pave the way for a more fulfilling week ahead..

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

How to feel & appear more confident

Confidence, defined as the sensation or demonstration of certainty, can be challenging to achieve for individuals grappling with self-doubt. While some may naturally possess this attribute, anyone can cultivate it through a dedicated effort to boost their self-esteem. Read more for some tips and tricks to appear more confident.

Confident: feeling or showing certainty about something.

For people who struggle with self-doubt, confidence can be difficult to attain. While some may possess this quality effortlessly, it is possible for anyone to develop it if they are committed to enhancing their self-esteem. 

When it comes to both appearing and actually feeling more confident, there are a few mind and body language tricks that one can try out. I’ll let you in on a little secret here too, a lot of successful people and I mean a lot only became truly confident because they started out by faking it. Gaining confidence really is a “fake it till you make it” kind of attribute. To give you a starting point for gaining some confidence, I have broken down confidence tricks into two categories; the physical and the mental. Have a read and give these tips a try and definitely let us know if any work out for you!


There are a few different physical tricks to gain confidence that you can use. To understand these we must first look at body language. 

Body language is most of the time a subconscious way of indicating how we humans feel in a situation. If we are stressed out, we will fidget. If we are anxious our shoulders will shrink down and we avoid eye contact. But if we are confident, we stand up tall, we take large strides and we make eye contact. 

Eye contact is one of those things you just have to do in order to give off confidence. It will be tricky at first but once you start to practice it confidence will flow through you. When you first meet someone, do your best to make eye contact with them and you will exude confidence all while forming a better connection with them. Obviously, I’m not saying stare at them or anything too intense but make a more conscious effort to hold their gaze.  

Good posture will take you far in life and help you to walk straighter, stand taller and appear confident. Other indicators that will make you appear outwardly confident are those such as looking up when walking, having relaxed shoulders, not touching your hair or giving a firm handshake. If you can implement some of these into your day-to-day interactions, they are surefire ways to appear confident. By changing the way your body moves, it will not only give you the look of confidence but also help you to FEEL more confident. 

Another interesting physical trick is using power poses.  They are the best way to deeply connect with your inner power. You don’t have to do the typical power poses, you can find a pose that helps you to feel connected to yourself and breathe deeply into it. The purpose of these poses is to help you unlock your inner strength and encourage you to bring it with you all day. You can practice all these tricks behind closed doors until you feel ready to bring them out into the world. 

Making lists of things you have achieved or things in your life that you are proud of will give you a tangible way of gaining confidence. Being able to see and touch your achievements is a great way to remind yourself of how far you have come. You can also write down your strengths and talents to remind yourself of who you are and what you value about yourself. Finding things you are good at and practising them will boost your self-confidence and this will bleed into other aspects of your life. 


Say goodbye to limiting beliefs and hello to visualisation! Limiting beliefs come into play when we tell ourselves over and over the same negative story about ourselves. We start to believe we are less capable than we truly are and our confidence begins to crack. Self-doubt and anxiety are the opposite of confidence so shifting your perspective away from limiting beliefs towards goal setting and achieving will help repair some of that broken confidence. Taking steps to reinforce your confidence will eventually make you feel genuinely more confident. 

Improving your self-talk is a great way to shift your inner perspective, when you start to tell yourself positive things your brain will actually start to believe it. Asking better questions of yourself will give you better answers, for example; rather than asking yourself “Why can’t I do anything right?” ask “What do I need to better achieve my desired results?”. 

Since our brains often allow us to trick them, positive visualisation is a nice way to take advantage of that. When you constantly visualise something your brain will eventually take it as fact thus when that situation comes to fruition these visualisations are doubly reinforced as fact. The brain reads these facts and translates them to self-confidence. What we choose to focus on is so important as we get back what you put out. 

Practising gratitude is something we have covered in previous blogs so if you want to read further be sure to check those out. But to quickly summarise - gratitude is key to developing confidence, when you start to feel grateful for your body and your life your mindset will shift from a negative state to one of positivity. A positive mindset allows you to exist in a universe that makes no mistakes and provides you with what you need. The less negativity you see the more confidence you will develop. In order to become confident you need to have a can-do attitude, when you fail you need to pick yourself up and not let the failure overwhelm you. Making mistakes is inevitable, but what really matters is what you do with that failure. You need to grow from mistakes and take them as a lesson. This way your confidence will increase as you start to back yourself a bit more. See your failures as opportunities to grow rather than as a major losses.  

My final note to you all is that if you feel as if you have given some of these suggestions a chance in the past and your confidence is still staying low,  the best idea is to talk to a mental health professional. There is never any shame in seeking a little extra help. Mental health pros are pros for a reason, so do your best to listen to them with an open mind.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Tracking Habits and Writing Sh*t Down.

Monitoring and recording habits can serve as potent instruments for individual development, self-reflection, and effectiveness. Read about the importance of habit tracking and what it means when you write it down.

Tracking habits and documenting them can be powerful tools for personal growth, self-awareness, and productivity. Habits have the potential to either lead to success or become detrimental traits. The beauty of habits lies in their controllability, as you are the one who can apply control over them.

Habits are essentially routine behaviours that require regular repetition to become ingrained in your brain. They operate on both automatic and conscious levels and can be either positive or negative. Negative habits are formed in the same way as positive ones, and it often takes developing positive habits to eliminate the negative ones.

Positive habits contribute to our well-being, productivity, and personal development, while negative habits can impede our progress and have negative impacts on our lives. Examples of positive habits include regular exercise, mindfulness practice, daily reading, and maintaining consistent sleep patterns. On the other hand, negative habits can encompass activities like procrastination, excessive screen time, nail-biting, or smoking.

Regardless of the nature of your habits, one of the most effective approaches to understanding and transforming them is to write them down. By doing so, you create awareness about your daily routines and behaviours, enabling you to address areas where progress and improvement are needed. Writing down your habits can serve as a powerful tool to analyse and modify them, paving the way for personal growth and positive change.


Methods to habit track

There are various methods you can utilize for habit tracking, including smartphone habit tracker apps, habit journals or logs, and physical habit trackers or calendars. The habits you choose to track will depend on your personal goals and preferences. Common examples include exercise, reading, mindfulness practice, staying hydrated, eating healthily, avoiding procrastination, and ensuring sufficient sleep.

Consistently tracking your habits allows you to develop a better understanding of your patterns and behaviours over time. It enables you to identify trends, strengths, and areas where adjustments may be needed. Habit tracking can serve as a motivating tool since visualizing your progress or receiving reminders can encourage you to stay on track and maintain positive habits.

Furthermore, habit tracking fosters accountability by making you more aware of your actions and their impact on your overall well-being. By monitoring and analysing your habits, you can make informed decisions and take steps toward building a more productive and fulfilling lifestyle.

Habit tracking can be applied to various areas of life, such as health and fitness, productivity, self-care, learning, and personal development. Whether you aim to establish new habits, break bad ones, or maintain existing positive habits, habit tracking can be a powerful tool in supporting your journey of self-improvement.

To incorporate habit tracking into your routine, consider the following steps:

·       Identify the specific habits you wish to track, based on your desired focus areas.

·       Choose a tracking method that suits you, whether it's an app, journal, spreadsheet, or checklist.

·       Set clear goals for each habit and define the frequency or duration you want to track. For example, if you want to develop a reading habit, aim for 30 minutes of reading every day.

·       Regularly record your progress, marking completed habits, noting missed ones, or using a numerical system to track performance.

·       Periodically review your habit tracker to identify patterns, obstacles, or areas for improvement. Adjust your goals or strategies accordingly to maintain progress.


Your most powerful tool – Write it down!

Writing can be a powerful tool for self-reflection, organisation, and creative expression. Here's how you can make the most of writing:

Journaling: Regularly record your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. This practice promotes self-awareness, allows for introspection, tracks personal growth, and serves as a therapeutic outlet for stress relief.

To-do Lists: Compile tasks and priorities in writing to maintain organization and concentration. The act of crossing off completed items provides a sense of achievement, motivating further progress and productivity.

Gratitude Journaling: Dedicate a journal to express gratitude by jotting down things you appreciate each day. This practice shifts your mindset towards positivity, cultivates gratitude, and promotes a greater sense of contentment and well-being.

Stream-of-Consciousness Writing: Set a timer and engage in uninterrupted writing, allowing your thoughts to flow freely without judgment or censorship. This technique taps into your subconscious mind, stimulates creativity, and can lead to fresh insights and innovative ideas.

By embracing the power of writing, you can unlock the potential for self-discovery, organization, and creative exploration. Whether through journaling, to-do lists, gratitude journals, or stream-of-consciousness writing, putting pen to paper can have a profound impact on your personal growth and well-being.


Keep in mind that habits can be established or modified through small daily actions you consciously take to bring about change. Consistency plays a vital role in integrating these practices into your life successfully. Explore different approaches, discover what resonates with you the most, and customize them according to your unique goals and requirements.

If you're seeking guidance in structuring your daily habits and would like the support of a life coach, I will be opening my books for new clients starting next month. Feel free to reach out to me at Together, we can work towards creating a routine that fosters personal growth and helps you achieve your desired outcomes.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Discovering Your Passion

When it comes to finding your passion it is never an easy task. And yeah, sure, you woke up dreaming about it and would love to start—if only you knew what your passion was. Here is an article to help start you on the right path.

When it comes to finding your passion the road is often treacherous. It isn’t easy navigating your way through life and finding passion while you do so. However, when you do finally find your passion it can make your life have renewed meaning and value. So in this blog I intend to give you some suggestions and tools you can equip yourself with to make it a little easier to find your passion. 

Start with a vision & brainstorm

Grab a pen and paper or whatever medium you would like and write down a list of what you want to accomplish in your life. I know this may be a big list so start small and be sure to put in both personal and professional goals. This list will start to point you in the right direction and act as a sort of compass that you can refer back to when you feel yourself starting to stray. You want to try and scratch away the surface of your life and uncover what you really value when writing these goals. By writing things down you will start to discover more about yourself and this self-awareness plays such an important part in finding your passion. You can even ask yourself questions to come back to later like; What motivates me? What do I feel compelled towards? What are things that make me feel present? What do I feel completes me?


What you can write down next is a list of things that you already love to do. Not only that, also add in things that you don’t love to do, by doing this you will really start to align yourself with what you value and understand yourself better. 

Next, write down your strengths and your weaknesses. Don’t worry I’m not asking you to share these with anyone else so be as honest as you can because at the end of the day, you need to be truly honest with yourself because how else are you going to get where you want to be? 

Keeping a journal is also a good idea as it will allow you to sort of track your progress once you start taking steps towards your passion. Self-reflection is something that will never do any harm so make the time to journal and it will surely become an outlet for you too. 

Meditation is another great way to open up a space for self-reflection. Being aware of how you feel in situations and after certain events in your life can guide you to better understand yourself and your place in the world.

Let’s begin  

Once you have given these writing techniques a go, start trying new things that are aligned with what you have written down. You wont find your passion right away but you can start getting used to trying new things and seeing what is out there. If something sticks then keep at it and don’t give up when it starts to get tricky, this is the make or break point. Don’t let the negative thoughts you may feel hold you back. Ignore the “I’m not good enough” “I’m too old for this” “They are better than I am” “What if I fail” thoughts, they will never take you where you want to go. 

Try and remember that this process of finding your passion will not be easy or necessarily comfortable, but that’s a good thing! Comfort is the enemy of both passion and growth, it is when we start to get uncomfortable that things will change for the better. 

If you still need help then seek guidance from a life or career coach. They are trained pros whose whole passion is helping others find theirs. 

I really hope this blog can inspire you to try finding your passion and can help propel you forward into the world and into the life of your dreams! 

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

5 things you can do to combat being overwhelmed

If a person becomes overwhelmed, their mind, emotions, and body may be inundated with feelings and sensations that are often connected to a particular issue and can be hard to handle. There are way to combat this, here are 5 ways to help with that feeling.

Let's face reality: there will be occasions in life when you'll experience a sense of being overwhelmed. Whether it's due to work, school, social responsibilities or life in general, we all go through periods of feeling anxious, stressed or overwhelmed at some point. It's crucial to be kind to yourself when these emotions arise. Rather than dismiss them or try to power through the cause of your anxiety, it's essential to recognise the importance of your mental well-being. If you're feeling weighed down, it's alright to take a step back.

So in order to avoid that feeling, here are 5 things you can do to combat being overwhelmed

1.Stay and be organised 

One of the main things that can stress me out is disorganisation. I’m sure that I'm not alone with this one at all. Feeling a lack of organisation results in me wanting to pull my hair out and bleeds stress and feelings of being overwhelmed by other aspects of my life, which is definitely less than ideal.

So to combat that feeling I like to stay nice and organised as much as I can. Writing up a schedule or keeping a diary can be a really useful and easy way to stay on top of things and see what you have coming up. Making a plan for your day/week/month/year is also super helpful to see the bigger picture of what needs to be done and when.

Setting reminders or alarms to get things done on time is useful especially if you have a time crunch or are a little forgetful at times. Organisation can look different for everyone but as long as your way makes sense to you and keeps you on top of things then it is perfect. 

2. Overcommitting - stay away from it!

Committing to something knowing you will not be able to follow that commitment through is not only a disservice to yourself but also to those you are committing to. If you are unable to attend that event, edit that paper, or sell those raffle tickets - whatever it may be - then you should never feel the need to commit and say you can. 

By spreading yourself too thin and over committing you will run out of time and energy to do the things that NEED to be done and boom you’re going to feel super overwhelmed. Then you will have to go through all the hoops of cancelling and letting others down and in the end, you will feel like you failed someone or yourself. 

Being aware enough of your own schedule and knowing how to responsibly commit to things will free you up to do those things a lot better than if you had a million other commitments to do on top of it. Overcommitting will soak up all your brain juice and leave nothing but feelings of anxiety and frustration. 

3. Take time to rest when you can

We are often taught that any time we are free should be filled with something productive. Even if it’s your 10-minute bus ride home and want to scroll Instagram, there is too much other to do and you know that every minute counts, right!? Wrong! This mentality is one that maybe a few of you out there really respond well to and it works for you, sure, but for the rest of us, this will be a one-way ticket to feeling overwhelmed. When you have some extra time and before you jump into a super productive task, take a minute. Ask your mind and your body, is this what I need to do right now? If the answer is no, then with no shame at all - take some rest. This moment's rest will actually help you in the long run to feel less overwhelmed because it will give your brain a little refresh and help you do tasks/errands/whatever it may be that you’re doing, with more patience and leave you feeling calmer. You never know when the next time you will be able to take a moment's rest will be, so seize the opportunities when you can and refresh yourself. 

4. Learn to delegate and have work-life balance

Delegating seems like a pretty easy thing to do, but for some of us relinquishing that control over tasks is a little harder. I for one, needed to learn this task and quick smart. 

We want the best quality of work and the best outcome but realistically one person cannot do the tasks made for an army. So learning to delegate will take the pressure off your shoulders and allow a sense of calm to make its way into your mind. Once you don’t have a full plate of work to do, trust me, you will feel a lot less overwhelmed. 

Another positive outcome of delegating is that sometimes other people can give a fresh perspective or approach to your work. Even if you don’t love their ideas, you know that they have got some floating around and this will come in handy at a later time. Delegating then helps with having work life balance. If you are spending all your time working, chances are your ME time will suffer and your fuse will be shorter, leading to a state of a mental shutdown. You need to learn when it is okay to shut the laptop and do something you enjoy to get your brain releasing all those happy chemicals and keeping you calm. Without work-life balance, in the long run your work will suffer and you won't be able to enjoy your life without feeling as if you should be working. 

5. You aren't weak if you ask for help!

Asking for help can sometimes be the hardest thing to do. But why! Why do we feel as if it is a weakness or as if we have failed if we ask for help? This question is big of a topic to unpack in one paragraph but essentially we feel as if we need to prove that we have everything under control but in reality who does?! Asking for help, whether that be emotional, physical, spiritual or whatever kind of help you need will always make a difference in the way you feel. Having someone take even just a little bit off your shoulders will make you feel so much less overwhelmed and allow you to think clearer, make better judgements and feel so much lighter in general. Even if the situation isn't yet dire, ask for a hand so that it doesn’t get to that point. Never be afraid to ask those who you trust for help. It will save you so many headaches and allow you to get back to a calmer state of mind. 

Let’s face reality, we all feel overwhelmed, but it is about making a change for the better. Try these out and let me know how you go.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Experiencing burnout or feeling lost and stuck? Here's how mentoring can help!

When you are feeling burnt out, lost or stuck; this isn’t uncommon this time of year. But, what I found was working with a mentor helped me push through those struggles. This is why it’s important to consider a mentor for your future goals.

Life will continue to be stressful, but sometimes it goes past a simple need for a breather. If you think you may be experiencing the feeling of being stuck or lost, know that you’re not alone and especially with this time of year it’s inevitable. 

The reason for these feelings is you are mentally and physically exhausted, or underchallenged. We as humans are known to have stress and this is the underlying reason for most mental health issues. But that isn’t the problem, it is lack of motivation to continue, or the idea that you can not find a solution to a problem that has probably been on your mind for the whole year. 

Such symptoms turn into what psychologists have deemed ‘burnout’, The term burnout was first devised by psychologist Herbert Freudenberger in 1974. When you feel burnout, these daily feelings: 

  • begin to feel hopeless about their work environment

  • dread going to work

  • feel as if they’re “drowning” or barely able to keep their heads above water

  • develop a short temper

  • experience signs of depression

  • have trouble sleeping

  • often fantasize about leaving their jobs or having a different life

There is a long term solution………

Here is where a mentor can come in as they not only have an invested interest in your success, but have been there too. 97% of individuals with a mentor feel they are highly impactful and valuable. And it is not surprising that 79% of millennials view mentoring as a crucial aspect of having a successful career.

Mentors are a positive influence by definition. It takes a positive person and positive steps to make change in one’s life. But the idea of a mentor is to help you learn and grow by sharing their knowledge and wisdom with you. In this way, you can benefit from their experience without having to suffer the consequences of gaining that experience firsthand. 

In other words, a mentor is someone that can see your vision through, guide you into achieving the steps for this vision, and then help you execute it. 

Mentors need to have certain characteristics and after speaking to a few mentee’s, this is what I found they are looking for: 

  • Willing to share their wisdom, knowledge, skills and expertise.

  • Had a positive outlook on life. “They helped me through tough times and showed me how to find the opportunity in the difficulties I was facing.”

  • Genuinely concerned about me and my success. 

  • Really knew what they were doing. “I respected them for their knowledge and skills.”

  • Keep growing. All of my mentors were curious and inquisitive. Sometimes the roles were reversed. “They asked what I was reading, and then read the books themselves – so they could learn and we could discuss the ideas.”

  • Gave me direct, constructive feedback. “They held me to high standards. They congratulated me when I met their expectations. They corrected me when I failed to do so – but in a manner where I learned what not to do the next time.”

  • Were respected by their colleagues. People who are highly regarded in their field or company make the best mentors.

  • Sought out and valued the opinions of others. “My best mentor always told me to listen most carefully to the people with whom I disagreed – in that way I might learn something. And, he was right.”

Although having a mentor is not a new concept, it is more that people don’t believe they can find the results with a mentor, but even the most successful names you know have had them - Steve Jobs mentored Mark Zuckerberg, Christian Dior mentored Yves Saint-Laurent, and Sir Freddie Laker mentored Richard Branson

Branson once said, ‘If you ask any successful business person, they will always have had a great mentor at some point along the road.’ - And he was right! Branson went to Laker during his struggles to get Virgin Atlantic up and running. ‘It’s always good to have a helping hand at the start. I wouldn’t have got anywhere in the airline industry without the mentorship of Sir Freddie Laker.’

So what do I do to find one? 

Do some research in finding the mentor. At the moment, seek out someone who you can see has the success you want and ask them about a mentoring program that they can offer. 

January is the best time to commit to an on-going mentor, and also the best time to reset all the things that you wanted to achieve in the New Year. Not a ‘New Years’ Resolution’ but more a strategy session about the things that you can do every month for the new year. 

Starting 2023, I will be offering mentoring and coaching programs to help with your success or you are welcome to join my clubhouse or collective club group for a more chilled environment before you commit to something one on one. 

For any questions and for more information, email me at

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

What is your Blog's Content Plan and how to create the best one?

Blogging without direction won’t lead to you hitting your goals. It’s important to establish a Content Plan to Succeed With Your Blog. Let’s explore why?

The term blog has been redefined and changed so many times over the last decade, that now it has become the ‘thought’ based media of this century. 

The potential of a blog is to drive traffic to your website and with all the search engines creating this drive, you need to be able to create a level of engagement that is unique and thought provoking. 

Even in some cases, companies or individuals have made a fortune off purely having articles and words on a page that appeals to a certain market. 

Establishing consistent blog content and engaging content comes down to one important element – what is your content plan? And it isn’t about putting a handful of words on a page and seeing if someone would read it. 

This blog concept in marketing terms is the definition of Content Marketing. Content marketing is an online marketing strategy that’s used to entice and stimulate interest in a certain product or brand without openly promoting it. You need to understand that a blog is a ‘notch in your belt’ of your Content Marketing strategy, and you will need other elements like social media and newsletters to help drive traffic as well. 

Let’s dive into blog content and how you can capitalize off of a blog with the perfect plan. 

What is a content plan?

A content plan covers all the marketing assets and engagement (including all SEO and data-gathering functions) needed to achieve the goals that you have made in your Content Marketing Strategy. 

Your content plan is supported with the following primary phases: awareness, consideration, conversion and decision. What us marketers call it is ‘Lead generation’. You may have heard the term ‘lead’ a lot, this is what you are basically doing, you are trying to lead them into making a decision about your product or service. 

What is a blog content plan?

To define your blog content plan, you need to know your target audience at the basic level – who they are, and what they like to read. Then, you look at your product – what makes your product different? Why do people like your product? What are the needs that your audience seeks from your product? 

When you have both your target audience and product defined, you use the blog content to connect them. 

For example, if you are a motivational speaker, you would want to appeal to the leadership/entrepreneur target audience – your blog content would be about leadership, how to better yourself, or even ways to achieve your goals. 

The content that connects both your target audience and the product/service is what helps establish a link between a problem your target is facing and an effective solution that your product or service provides.

What type of content should you create for your blog? 

Considering the target audience and product needs that you established before, there are numerous topics and themes that you will need to start the blogging process. 

Here are the types of content you can write about: 

1. Drives Revenue and Transaction

For any business that needs to create revenue or a transaction this is the content for you. This content is used to drive audiences online where they seek information about your product and you in turn need a transaction to happen then and there. This can include anything from a direct purchase or booking online. 

This type of content can be from plain text or promotional videos. Creating this content results in sales growth and can be used to benefit new and old products. 

2. Information and knowledge

This content is helpful when someone is looking for a piece of information where they learn something new. Do you know? Or 5 things to help? 

The goal of this content is to provide answers and solve a problem that the seeker is wanting. This type of content is what people seek blogs for more than others, and it’s important to note that most of your blogs you create need to be information based more than anything. 

Like most seekers on the WWW, you are “looking” for something, and this is where it becomes handy to drive them to your website with some new information that in turn, you create a community following where you can utilize a transaction later.  

With this type of content, you are recognised as an expert in your area, and they want to follow you more. A lot of websites don’t utilise informative content enough and are more transactional than anything. But the whole idea of a blog is for you to understand what your audience is looking for. 

People hate to be sold to, but if you are giving them information for free it’s a good way to build trust to sell your products later on. 

3. Leading and expert-driven 

This content is where your company is seen by experts and panels that seek information from you based on your level of expertise. Your information is more factual and based on papers or submissions from others or yourself. Your blog will be seen as a trusted source of relevant information for their industry. 

This content can only be used if you have successes, innovations, and a reputation to back it up. Only then will your company have earned the industry’s trust to start this specific type of content.

If you aren’t any of this, then your blog will be more informative. 

4. Trending content

This type of content is basically as it says, you are using a blog for ‘trending’ topics that will go viral to get millions of engagements and shares.

Most viral content works on video or images, but with blogs, you can use this as a topic of conversation for current issues that have been seen on other platforms like social media. 

This type of content is more impactful, memorable, and relatable and in turn, you want it to be shared. 

This has been known as the digital version of ‘word of mouth’. Where you create content that is more about recommendations, things that people are relating to at the moment or even ideas that people are searching for the most and need information. The easiest example to explain would have been anything to do with COVID-19 two years ago. 

With this type of blog, you need to be able to write then and there and always be posting when a story hits. 

This version is seen more as a full-time job, than part-time. But it is seen as the best way to get the fastest engagement with blogs than any other. 

So, if you want to make your blog a career, then this is the best method. 

Now you know what a good content plan is and what type of blogs you can write. 

Take some time away from distraction and map out the “theme” that you want your blog to entail and then start writing. 

There are also plenty of blog and copywriting courses that you can take, if you need some help or engage a professional copywriter that can write for you instead.

But most of all, don’t start writing or creating a blog unless you know what your content will be first. 

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

What does your Mindset say about your success?

Your mindset, ever wondered why others are more successful than you, or you are just not where you have to be? It all comes back to our mindset. Take a look at what you can be doing better and how you can shift your mindset straight away!

Your Mindset is a simple term that is not only cliché but is also the only word in the English dictionary that can determine your path to success. It is your Mindset that leaves you in limbo. 

Your Mindset means everything in the destination, where you are going and where you are. Your mindset is a set of values that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in all factors of life. 

So ask yourself, what is your current mindset at the moment – where have your beliefs and internal conversation got you too, and where are you going? 

Because even the most successful people need to reimagine and retrain their brain if they want a different path. 

“The mind is just like a muscle - the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand.” ? Idowu Koyenikan

Ok, so think about this, the reason why you are still an employee or the reason why your business is not succeeding, is because you are not in the right mindset. And finally when you have the right mindset, your actions will determine your outcomes. 

For example… Imagine you want to start a VA business and you are struggling to find clients, well the reason for this is because your expectation is that you are thinking clients will come to you, you have an employee mindset. You apply for a job and you wait for the call…right?? Well guess what, you need to start thinking like you are a CEO of your non-existent business. Because in your business you are the employer/CEO, so in reality you need to start thinking about what a CEO would do to grow the business, how would they find clients and what would they do to succeed. 

Hint, a book to help: Climb Your Own Ladder: Become the CEO of Your Own Business by Dana Malstaff

Another example would be if you are a CEO, and you are thinking negatively about the business, refusing to change, refusing to grow, then the negative thoughts will then start reflecting in your business and then in your team members. As a result, your business suffers! And then you say to yourself “what happened”? 

That being said, your mindset has to be full of the right thoughts so that you feel the right emotions, and ultimately make the right decisions to run a successful business.

Overcoming and knowing daily mindset traits is a good place to start and to adopt the right attitude and thoughts. 

Here are 3 mindset traits to get you started:

  1. Learning means growing 

Think of it as an Apprenticeship to Entrepreneurship. 

To have a successful attitude, you need to start learning, and start reading. Reading is the best method to hear success stories or steps to get your path moving. If you don’t read, then audible it is. What makes learning the best trait to have is the more learning you do changes your mindset from “I already know everything” to “I didn’t know that” or “what can I learn”. 

Because the reality is the smartest and most successful people on the planet don’t have all the answers. 

Education does not only mean that you attend university, get a degree and then you are the expert for life. The worst mindset is that we learn once and then we know everything. Newsflash, you actually probably know nothing then, because what you learn once is not going to set you up for life, but for a short period of time. We want long term growth, don’t we?

Expect never to grow if you aren’t learning. Knowledge means power, and with more knowledge comes results. 

2. The making of thinking BIG!

Get this book: The Magic of Thinking Big - David J. Schwartz

This book was written in 1959, so these principles are not something that has developed over the last 10 years. 

The power of the right mindset is that you like thinking beyond your capacity of where you are now, and thinking that you could be better. 

It is the small-minded thoughts that determine how small or how BIG your success is. 

Now this isn’t about thinking big thoughts will always work, but it is making sure that your grand vision for the company is backed by determination. 

If you think little and aren’t willing to challenge the status quo you will forever be stuck in the mindset of ‘why isn’t it working?’. 

Think beyond the mundane, every day, normal business life. The enemy is we want an "average” business/life which then threatens to take away our hopes, dreams, and meaning in our lives. 

Strive for excellence in everything you do. If you want something you've never had, you'll have to do something you've never done. Because when you think big thoughts, you will ultimately make the kind of big moves required to grow a successful company. 

3. Mental conditioning – be in control of positive thoughts. 

While most of us don’t believe it, we are all mentally conditioned to think and act a certain way. 

This is a reflection of your past, your influences, or your friends and social media. It is a factor of science that when your brain was developing all those crazy and wild thoughts from the age of 3 years old, you are mentally training your brain to think a certain way. 

Ask yourself, why do some CEOs have CEO parents, or why some kids at the age of 25 already have successful business. Most of this is mental conditioning, you are wired a certain way and only then and when you realise what needs to be done, you start to train your brain to think differently. 

Complexity is not the answer either, if you make things more complex, more confusing to yourself, you complicate the process of growth and it will be more likely that your strategies in place will be less effective, then if you keep it simple. 

The first step to a positive mindset, is realising when you are thinking negatively, be aware of the conditioning, and the reason why this happens. 

Then start to ‘replace’ negative thoughts with the positive ones. The best way to do this is to listen to positive people or be around positive people. Join group forums, clubhouse groups or attend a network event. 

It takes effort to control it, but once you do, your mindset starts to reflect your business direction. 

You want to succeed? You will succeed? And nothing will stop you? 

Did you believe these statements? Because it is possible if you just condition your brain to think like that. 

The Bottom Line

There are probably another 10 examples that I could say to determine your mindset, but these are the basics and can be started now. 

The number one reason why so many business ideas never get off the ground is because the business owner started with the wrong mindset.

Think of it like this: if you aren’t willing to change your mindset, then you will be in the same place you are now 1 year from now, or even 5 years from now. 

So if you like what is happening to you, then don’t change and live the same life forever.

Drop mic!

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis


Our founder Chrissy Symeonakis was named the winner of a Bronze Stevie® Award in the Woman of the Year category in The 19th Annual International Business Awards® today. The International Business Awards are the world’s premier business awards program. All individuals and organizations worldwide – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small - are eligible to submit nominations. The 2022 IBAs received entries from organizations in 67 nations and territories.

Winners will be celebrated during a gala banquet at the InterContinental London Park Lane Hotel, in London, England, on Saturday, 15 October – the first live IBA awards ceremony since 2019.

More than 3,700 nominations from organizations of all sizes and in virtually every industry were submitted this year for consideration in a wide range of categories, including Company of the Year, Marketing Campaign of the Year, Best New Product or Service of the Year, Startup of the Year, Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year, and Executive of the Year, among others. This year’s competition also featured a number of new categories to recognize organizations’ and individuals’ achievements in social media and thought leadership. Chrissy Symeonakis’ award is a testament to her years of service in the Marketing and Entertainment industry, and also her passion for helping others through adversity and being an ambassador and mentor for chronic illness.

The comments from the judges were, “Chrissy demonstrates leadership in every sense of the word. Not only has she faced and overcome her own adversity, she now takes those lessons and shares them with the world for no other reason than to support those who share a similar life experience in the Chronic Illness Community”. And “We need leaders like Chrissy. I am deeply touched with the way she treats her employees and her team, the way she supports them and helps them with their needs either its related to work or their health” Stevie Award winners were determined by the average scores of more than 300 executives worldwide who participated in the judging process in June and July.

“We’re thrilled that we’re able to return to celebrating Stevie winners in person this year,” said Stevie Awards president Maggie Miller. “This year’s class of honorees are as innovative, adventuresome, persistent, and successful as we’ve ever had. We look forward to celebrating their achievements with them during our 15 October awards banquet in London.” Details about The International Business Awards and the lists of Stevie Award winners are available at and also to find out about Chrissy please visit her website

About Chrissy Symeonakis.

Chrissy is a creative services industry veteran with 20 years of experience in hospitality, entertainment, marketing and public relations who has a signature “get-shit-done” attitude. Serial entrepreneur and chronic illness advocate, Chrissy is an inspiration to those she meets. She continues to entwine systems thinking with unfiltered creativity and a personal ethos she proves time and time again; the journey to success starts and ends with belief in yourself.

About the Stevie Awards.

Stevie Awards are conferred in eight programs: the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, the German Stevie Awards, the Middle East & North Africa Stevie Awards, The American Business Awards®, The International Business Awards®, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, the Stevie Awards for Great Employers, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Stevie Awards competitions receive more than 12,000 nominations each year from organizations in more than 70 nations. Honoring organizations of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about the Stevie Awards at

If you'd like to chat with Chrissy, interview her, have her guest speak for you, contact Chrissy Symeonakis or Amanda Paterson

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

How to overcome that one thing stopping you from being successful.

As a business owner at times we can feel like we’re completely alone, but rest assured there are others at various stages of their journey going through exactly what we are. But what’s the difference between success or failure? Check this article out here to see what we all have in common and what we can do to overcome this one big thing facing us all.

Fear. For the most part, defined as the anticipation of danger and, as I'm sure you can imagine given that running a business is one of the most high-risk, stressful and unpredictable things a person could come up against, is a feeling no entrepreneur is a stranger to feeling it to some degree.

So when I stumbled upon this article by Entrepreneur last year, I wasn't surprised they had covered it. What I was surprised by, however, is the depths of fear a business owner goes through and more surprisingly, how conquering it is a key ingredient for success. 

Fast-forward to the present and it seems fear is a reoccurring topic in almost every client strategy call I have been on of late. Which makes sense. The last couple of years hasn't exactly been a pleasant stroll through “Relaxation Boulevard”. Whenever a topic repeats in a pattern I find that more often and not, it is the Universe trying to tell me something and so, here I find myself, sharing my thoughts on fear and entrepreneurship with you. 

The reality is that you will face fear in your lifetime, no matter your personality type, star sign, poker face or anything else. Fear is an escapable aspect of the human experience. It’s inevitable. 

Fear can be a positive and sometimes necessary motivator. A Kickstarter for taking action. Or, depending on the situation, can cause a debilitating state of paralysis in which action becomes a forgotten word replaced with doing sweet f*** all. 

At its core, we react to fear in ways that keep us safe and uncomfortable. Fear challenges us to make quick in-the-moment decisions. Our mind is a powerful object, it rationalises all emotions and all categories relevant to each moment. This means that even when our mind thrives on a carousel of excitement for a business venture, our brain often releases unexpected rationale and negativity. In summary, it creates fear and that joyful carousel ride grinds dramatically to a halt. 

But the inherent part of perspective is that is entirely subjective. We hold onto the basis that our perspective is important because we rely on our instincts for survival. Unfortunately, this means we often confuse choice for instinct and let the latter guide our action instead, or more accurately, lack thereof.

To achieve success, it is imperative you practice self-awareness and realize that the basis of what is driving your fear is the chance of failure. Therefore, to surpass the fear and achieve success is actually very simple. Reframe your perspective of failure and you no longer feel fear. Realize that contrary to popular belief, failure is important. Failure is not a mistake but a lesson. A lesson that creates an opportunity for the most necessary aspect of any entrepreneur's success… 

Failure = Lesson = Growth. 

“Do one thing every day that scares you.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Prepare For Your Success

No goals and no plan, no success!

Fear of failure is increased when you don’t properly prepare for success. Sounds backwards but actually, it’s extremely logical. Fear is a by-product of lacking confidence or being unsure. Be that in your business plan, roadmap or even product or service. Fear is born from a purely curated action plan, which doesn't guide you to take action with confidence. Have you created a strategy for the journey?

What is your business plan? 

What are your competitors doing differently? 

Is being on Tiktok really what your business needs right now or are you simply following a trend?

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” —Pablo Picasso

You need to have done research on your product-market fit and understand the nature of the clients you want to target. 

For example, If you are trying to sell organic soaps to a stay-at-home mum, you must understand what they look for in a product. Is it the ingredients? Is it the production? Is the fact that is vegan? 

Knowledge is power when it comes to a good business plan. 

Start by setting business goals. Monthly, quarterly, biannually and annually and actively looking back on them to evaluate your progress. 

Without self-evaluation, your fear will kick in and you still stop moving forward. When you self-evaluate, you will find that you are accomplishing more than you think and it will help keep you motivated to keep going.

Changing Your Attitude

This one is a toughie. I have to work on this every day to release knowledge that is no longer serving me and my insecurities. Even the most successful people have to consistently work on changing their attitude to gain success. It is a never-ending part of the deal. 

Start by asking yourself: 

“Why am I scared to start or change my business? What is it that is TRULY driving this fear?”

Often you’ll find a variation of the following as your answer. 

When we look at failure, we look at it as we are a ‘loser’ or looked down upon if it doesn’t work. We fear judgement or criticism from external sources. Who doesn't fear being perceived negatively by those they hold dear? Again, this fear of failure is what holds you back. Your negative associations of what failure represents are what stop you from trying at all. 

You cannot achieve success unless you actively instigate an attitude shift towards failure. Failure does not change your personality nor does it make you a bad person. Failure is seen as negative as it affects your actions and emotions, but it’s not negative if you are looking for success. Success occurs as a direct result of “failing forward”.

The Meaning Of Failing Forward

Failing forward means that a person embraces failing as a stepping stone for their future successes. To fail forward means that you have chosen to value every failure for the lessons learned and then apply those lessons in future efforts, even if those efforts might also result in failure. When you are failing forward, each failure moves you closer to ultimate success.

Failure will be uncomfortable and unpleasant, yes, but it is an opportunity to extend beyond our usual limits and of great value. 

As George Addair said, “Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”

Don’t let your fear of failure influence your choices in starting or running your business. Fear is an inescapable enemy, but changing your perspective of it is all that is necessary to make it your best friend. 

Ready to master your fear?

Remember to check out my learn page to see if any of these courses can work for you or book a one on one session with me and let's make 2022 your best year yet!

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Why Is A Personal Education Plan Critical To Growing You And Your Business?

Growth isn’t always comfortable or easy, but the people who continue to learn and grow are those who become experts in their field. Take a look at what you can do, how you can be and get better and why having a personal education plan is critical to growing you and your business!

A personal education plan is much like a business plan. At its core, a business plan lays out your pursuit of business opportunities. A personal education plan is also a pursuit for opportunities, but instead of within your business, it is within yourself. 

Breaking Down A Personal Education Plan

There are many names for a personal education plan. A personal development plan, an individual learning plan or a personal ongoing plan to name a few. Regardless of the name, they all outline the same thing, a long-term process that is constantly under review, aimed at improving workplace skills and your overall knowledge.

Whatever your ambitions, you need to action this with a structured approach and highlight the areas to overcome and what you need to gain to grow. Now, this will take a bit of humble pie and a massive realisation that you are not perfect and need to change. We're all on an individual journey and in this article, I’m going to share ways you can use a personal education plan to level up and build a stronger and more successful foundation for both you and your business. 

How do I know my ways work?


I’m walking, talking, living proof. 

Let's Begin!

Do you often say to yourself: 

  1. Why hasn't my business changed? 

  2. Why has there been no growth in my business? 

  3. Why don't I have good relationships with my peers or customers? 

  4. Why does my job feel like a chore? 

In case you were curious, this is where you need to go grab yourself a knife and fork to cut yourself a big slice of that humble pie I mentioned. For this to work, you must actively let go of external blame. Be that your employees, the business, your competitors, the market or  COVID you need to release your blame mindset and instead focus on YOU. To be candid in this explanation I’ll put it like this.

YOU are the one holding yourself back from your full potential and success in your business. 

What Do You Want?

Before you begin to build your personal education plan, sit down, away from distractions, and write down five things you want to achieve this year and five things you want to change about yourself.

How Do You Get It?

The four critical areas of a personal education plan outline the goals you want to achieve (you completed this step at the start). The next step is to determine where you are, identify the things you want to learn and achieve, and then review after every course.  

Upon reviewing your plan and what you have already learnt, you will find that you might need to do a few courses on the same subject to help it 'sink in' before you genuinely can implement them in your life. 

Take a deep breath, a step back and realise that you don't know everything; some things will be new to you and some will need to be re-learned.  

Do You Have A Growth Mindset? 

Think about this carefully, vulnerably and honestly. If you answer “no”, then where you are now, your business will. Not. Grow.

 Not sure what a growth mindset is?

Those with a growth mindset believe that even their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.

Research by Dr Carol Dweck states that it's not just our natural abilities that bring us success; it's whether we approach work with a "fixed" or "growth" mindset. Read her book if you need more clarification Mindset: Changing the Way You Think to Fulfil Your Potential or if you’re just keen for a great read!

Starting any educational journey with a growth mindset is non-negotiable.

Dr Dweck states that people with a fixed mindset tend to assume that they're born with a particular set of skills that they can't change. In contrast, people with a growth mindset believe that intelligence and talent are just the starting point, and that success comes through attitude, effort, and learning.

As a marketer or entrepreneur, we confidently assess the strengths and weaknesses of a business and then dive into the opportunities and threats with a SWOt analysis. Why is it that often we are so uncomfortable carrying out the same activity on ourselves?

The only way a personal education plan will work and have a significant impact is to understand more about yourself, why you do the things you do and what you need to change. What are your strengths? Your weaknesses? What can you grow on (opportunities)? What is stopping you (threats)?

Your Next Steps For Your Personal Education Plan

Consider Hiring A Coach

Hiring a professional coach or consultant to assist with growth in your business. Coaches or consultants can provide a brutally honest perspective on specific problems within your business. It's quick and effective because you immediately implement changes when someone else has identified the areas that need to change. For starters, simply having an objective party examine your day-to-day can help identify weak points and push for improvements in places you might be blind to. 

Read Why every Entrepreneur should have a coach or mentor on how and why this is effective. 

Online Courses And Self-Learning. 

Once you've carried out a thorough self-audit and identified your goals for growth, it's time to work out how to reach them. This is where you start to research and map out all the courses you want to do for the rest of the year.  I would aim for at least two a month. 

You won't have to subject yourself to TAFE or University courses. There are plenty of online courses written by reputable teachers. Platforms like Udemy and General Assembly are a great place to start looking.

I will be running some courses over the next few months, so check out my learn page if you are looking for something about email marketing, self-care, and understanding your business. 

When mapping out what you want to do, it's always a good idea to write down what you specifically want to learn. Be prepared and ready before the course starts to take on all the new information.  

Begin Networking And Making Connections

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your hunger for new information and success. I've found my tribe through Clubhouse. I even have my own room, 'Small Business Work Hub'. Be sure to join my room and get amongst the conversation. Always keep in mind that networking is a two-way process; what you have to offer is just as important as what you want from other people.

How Will This Benefit You?

Empathy! You'll hear stories from others who share the same struggles. It puts your body and mind into a good headspace for change knowing that there are others out there like you, you feel more empowered to make your life and business better. 

Ok, That's It From Me. 

Remember success isn't simply waving a magic wand and things "just happen"; it takes planning, strategy, adapting when things don't work and being proactive.

Be prepared when the unexpected happens. Educate yourself on your weaknesses and look for ways to grow. Don't wait for when you have time and money because the reality is you never will unless you start today. 

YOU are the most important thing in your life, but YOU are always holding yourself back from potential. 

I believe in you. Let's kick the sh$t out of this year.  Remember to check out my learn page to see if any of these courses can work for you. 

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

An Open Journal Entry - Multiple Sclerosis, 9 Years To The Day

What’s it like to live with MS and a chronic illness? After 9 years of a diagnosed with a life changing illness here’s a recent update of where I’m at, what I think and feel and as someone that tried to not let their illness define them in their day to day.

It’s been 9 years to the day. 

9 years since I woke up, had a shower and the vision in my right eye was a complete snowstorm and white out. 9 years of being blind in one eye.

From there a trip to the ER. Anxious thoughts racing through my brain, overtaking one another like the cars racing by my window speeding down the freeway. 

“Have I had a stroke?”

“Is it a brain tumour?”

“Am I going to die”....

This was the beginning of a long journey to diagnosis. What a shit show that was (If you’re curious to know more about it you can find out about it here.) The vision problems I was experiencing were the first signs of Optic Neuritis; a big tell for MS. 

9 years on there have been a number of progressions. Multiple medications in multiple forms; 7 in total. I should be stable in my diagnosis, given I take so many vitamins and supplements, gave up drinking and a host of other fun things to assist my body is trying to help my immune system that is literally attacking itself. But of 7 medications none are a cure, that medication is yet to exist. So for now we fight to slow down and halt the disease progression. So that I can get into a “remitting” stage and where there are no new lesions or future disability progressing.

Most of the medications I’ve been on bring an arms-length list of potential side effects. I’ve been allergic to medications, I’ve had to inject them into myself multiple times a week, had them cause full body cramps and convulsions; I looked like I could have been a body double for the exorcist. Another medication I was on was simple, just 1 pill a day. It caused and continues to leave me gifts in the form of skin cancers. I had to come off that medication. I am a vampire and avoid the sun at all costs as I have a genetic disposition for skin cancer, so you’ll never see me basking in the sun.  

One medication I loved, was the easiest and made me feel the least like I had MS was withdrawn from the market with zero notice given to us. Hard to believe I know but it was as simple as one day it was there, the next day it was gone. I found out via a Facebook news post, the pharmaceutical companies were nowhere to contact. Turns out, there were not enough of us on it globally, therefore it wasn’t viable to continue to production and distribution.

I took this hard. After months of monstrous side effects, to have finally found a brilliant medication was phenomenal. To have that taken away? Devastating. 

I spiralled into the darkest depression I’ve ever known. I was grieving for everything I had in my past life and it’s as though the old me “died”. It was a dark time, I was suicidal because I didn’t want to live a life where an illness and disease I never asked for and the treatment options ahead of me, where all at the mercy of big pharma. It was a rough time. 

As I go into 9 years, my MS- avversary if you will, I’m in what’s called the “crap gap”- A washout period before my next 6 monthly infusions. This period is where the medication is near non-existent in your system. The B -cells (baddies) start attacking the T (terrific) cells and it’s where all sorts of things start happening to my body; completely without an idea of what might be coming for me. I’m susceptible to any and every infection out there. Frightening at the best of times let alone during a Global Pandemic. I seldom leave my house, I mask up and over the past 2 years, my social engagements can probably be counted on 2 hands.

I’ve invested the time into my business, but it’s lonely and isolating not being able to do fun things, catch up with friends and travel – just a plane ride and a car drive kick my arse physically. The blowout is extreme, but to everyone “I look fine”, “unsocial” or simply like I  don’t want to partake in activities or conversations. 

A visit to the hospital the other night with double blood taken kicked my butt and I slept without a noise stirring me endlessly. In a 24 hour period, I was asleep for 20 hours. At least now I know what Koala bears feel like. Even coming out of that fog was a mission in itself. I had no energy, other than to drink water, eat, go to the bathroom. But showering and dressing? Forget it. That didn’t happen at all.

So again, the treatment strategy has changed. I’ve just completed 3 days of methyl prednisone via infusion and I’m feeling incredibly rough. Having steroids does what you might think it would. Turned my into the hulk with emotions being all over the place, I could barely sleep, I have what can only be explained as a brain wrapped in cotton wool, and everything hurts… a lot.

While steroids have a lot of nasty side effects, they are my best option to help me through to the 24th of April, when I can start my new disease modifying treatment. This regime I’ll be able to do at-home and consists of a starting treatment of 3 x injections from April to May, then we go to 1 injection a month thereafter. These smaller doses are meant to give me a better chance of keeping these B(astard) cells at bay, then I should have more consistency with my dosing. Again, feeling like total crap and again with that nervous voice in the back of my mind… “what if they withdraw this drug from the market”; It’s relatively new too.

I almost feel like I have PTSD again from my diagnosis. That we are kinda back where I was when I started 9 years ago. I don’t feel like I’ve really achieved much when it comes to treatment.

What adds to the challenge is my responsibilities. This time really puts pressure on me to be at the top of my A-game in my business. But I make big mistakes and small simple annoying ones. I get angry and tired during my workday. I’m in constant pain, which doesn’t make me the best boss or fun person to be around. I try to remove myself from situations when I know I might not have the patience, I begin weaving naps and late starts into my day because, after all, that’s why I founded my business, to give me that freedom and flexibility to do just that. But then I worry about billing, work and wage costs because I bring money into my business and when I can’t perform I have to pay others too.

I'm an avid Disney lover. If you know me then you know this. If I held Aladdin's Lamp in my hand my wishes at this time would not be that complex. 

I wish clients paid on time.

I wish I didn’t have to worry about my business so much (but the pandemic really threw a spanner in the works).

I wish I could be whisked away to Disneyland for a week and not have to worry about anything.

I wish that this stupid disease would just let me be me…………

My biggest wish though? I wish they could just find a cure. Or failing that, at the very least better meds for me and for everyone living with MS. Our wishes after all are for no more than the “normal”. We just want to get back to doing "normal things” like showering, cooking and cleaning. We want to not be in pain, or worrying about what everyone thinks of me and experiencing so often this immense pressure to be “OK” all the time!! The want for normalcy feels relentless. 

A Note From The Editor. 

Dear reader, 

As you finish this, as your heart sinks in pain as you empathise with Chrissy in this situation there is something additional I need you to know. I am the editor of this post, she is unaware as I write this that I write this. But what I have to say needs to be said, whether she adds it to this post or not. 

There are people that you meet in life, they leave a mark on your soul. They are remarkable, achieve beyond the realms of possibility and leave you feeling inspired and believing in yourself in a way you didn't before. So to both of you, Chrissy and the reader, as I read these words and feel the pain Chrissy is in know two things. The first Chrissy is that to me, you are one of those people I described above. 

Your courage as day after day, experiencing what you do, you push it to the side to run your business and define your legacy, is part of this. But I think most notably, I know that you push through with this remarkable tenacity to take care of us; your staff. To keep food on our tables. To keep stress out of our minds. For me, the inspiration is in that level of selflessness. 

Now to the reader, I’m sure you can imagine, It is weird to have such a personal insight into your boss. But someone has to edit this and that person, it seems, was me.

So let me tell you as you read this that when you read these words above if you feel anything other than empowerment you have read this story wrong. If you read the above and find yourself saying “oh that must be so hard” and nothing more, you need to read it again.  Ari Scott.

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Ari Scott Ari Scott

Manifestation - New Age Bulls***, Or The Secret To Actualizing Your Hopes And Dreams?

In a complicated world, being presented with the idea of “ if you think it you can have it” seems like wishful thinking. This is, at least, the opinion of one skeptical millennial on the concept of manifestation.

That being said, this particular avocado lover ventured out to discover what’s behind the spiritual powers that be. Join her on her adventure to deep dive into the history, science and culture of the law of attraction.

Together we will discover once and for all the answer to the big question. Is manifestation new age bullshit? Or, could it be the secret to everything you have ever imagined coming to life?

Truth be told, I was always sceptical about manifestation and the like. The idea of speaking something out loud and it magically happening reminded me of a Genie-in-the-lamp wishing system that belonged only in fairytales and the minds of children. Essentially, having no place in the “real life” efforts of trying to build my dream business. Plus, if I’m being totally transparent, I didn’t much enjoy the idea of giving “the universe” credit for the results I had seen. 13 hour days and blood, sweat and tears make for a much more tangible measurement of my achievements. 

That being said, my understanding of manifestation came from little more than satirical memes and sarcastic comments that appeared in various social media scrolls. This realisation led to an unfortunate realisation. I had done no research, had no deep understanding of the subject and frankly, that level of social media-driven ignorance was far too reminiscent of those I have scolded in the past. The stereotypical Baby Boomer who made very important election decisions based only on the knowledge they had “researched” in the exact same way. 

Consequently, I decided that I owed myself, and of course, the avocado and toast loving generation I represent, to conduct full and proper research on the matter. To enter into the world of “energies” with an open mind and explore all that this brave new world had to offer. Join me on this journey as together we discover the origins, excitements and complex nuances of a hashtag used over 6 million times on Instagram. Today, we take our first steps of this adventure as we light the sage, burn the incense and sit down to #manifest a  whole new life.

The Definition

In its most simple definition Manifestation comes down to three simple words. 

“Thoughts become things”. I know. Vague isn’t it.

Fortunately, Manifestation is a term popularised from a pseudoscience concept and book called “The Law Of Attraction” which carries a much more detailed explanation.

The Law Of Attraction suggests that we create the things, events and even people that enter our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words and actions produce energies that produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies. Essentially, positive energies attract positive energies and vice versa. To summarize, wherever and whatever our focus is on is what we bring, or manifest, into our lives.

The History 

Although “The Law Of Attraction” popularised manifestation, its history spans far beyond that of the books 1906 publication. Conceptually, The Law Of Attraction is found in a range of ancient practices and Eastern teachings. Buddhism is a fantastic example of this. 

“Our thoughts make us what we are”
— Buddha

In the 19th Century, a woman named Helena Blavatsky, a Russian author born in 1831, travelled across the world spreading spiritual guidance throughout numerous countries. Her teachings were supposedly derived from everything from numerous ancient traditions, to mysterious and esoteric secret societies to Tibetan sacred manuscripts. 

Blavatsky lead a fascinating life, she was one of the first people in America to convert to Buddhism and was essentially viewed as a spiritual hero or a condemned witch depending on who you asked. In 1888, she published one of many of her writings called “The Secret Doctrine”. Much of the content of the book is a strong reflection of what is also expressed in “The Law Of Attraction”.

Our thoughts about ourselves and our identity are what define who we are and what we are capable of
— Helena Blavatsky

Around the same time, a gentleman by name of Thomas Troward found himself on a spiritual journey not so dissimilar from Blavatsky. In the early 1900s, Troward published a number of works detailing how we can gain the most knowledge by combining the various teachings from a range of spiritual beliefs. His work “ The Edinburgh Lecture On Metal Science” speaks of the connection between Mental Action and Material Conditions; again, mirroring many of the principles found in The Law Of Attraction. 

Belief in limitation is the one and the only thing that creates limitation
— Thomas Troward

As time moved forward, as it has a habit of doing, the 20th century saw numerous books from various authors detailing the core teachings of both Troward and Blavatsky. Each is written with the unique perspective of their respective Author but ultimately dictating the same core principle. 

“Thoughts become things”.

The Science 

The history brings us an interesting background on manifestation that is worth digging deeper into. Clearly, at least in the two previous centuries, its roots are steeped in rebellion and a collection of ancient wisdom. However, while the past conquests of the thought leaders recognised for their inception into modern society, manifestation reflects a level of cultural appropriation that’s difficult to ignore. 

Perhaps not by how it was first acquired, but at the very least in its modern exploration; wherein western society has profited both financially and influentially from teachings that were heavily demonised before the realisation of their personal gain.

However, in the spirit of research, we must press on away from history to an equal measure of authority in an analysis of the concept. So as we step out of the past and into the facts, let’s ask ourselves the next obvious question.

WTF does science have to say about all of this?

Well, the Quantum Physics to be exact. At the risk of providing yet another non-specific definition, Quantum Physics is the Physics that explains how everything works.

Look, I’m rolling my eyes at that one too, trust me. 

Regardless of how my eyes are animated though, Quantum Physics is the study of matter and atoms at a fundamental level. Appropriately for the matter (pun intended) of manifestation, it is essentially a study of energy and interaction.

Quantum Physics dictates that all objects, including human bodies, emit electromagnetic radiation (energy). 

Image Credit -

Manifestation enthusiasts are quick to champion the connection of the aforementioned explanation with something called the Hertz Vibration Scale. 

This scale illustrates how and when our feelings change, a mirrored shift displays in a subtle hertz frequency to align with the connected “energy” output. In hippie speak, this would be referred to as vibration, man. If this is factual, it’s strong evidence for the existence of the law of attraction as it proves that our emotions create our energy output and what we “put out” into the world and vice versa. 

The internet is littered with opinions, explanations and supposed science-based research both for and against these claims. So in an effort to maintain simplicity, I will explain the concept and you are welcome to form your own opinions!

Dr David Hawkins, who also brings a fascinating story to the spiritual journey we find ourselves on and who, to be fair, was far from being the quack I anticipated him to be, seems to be at the forefront of the “science-based” explanation.

Hawkins is a highly awarded and nationally recognised innovator in the medical field. Detailed here in a frankly dodgy looking website that likely hasn’t been updated since 1999.

Undertaking 20 years of research using Kinesiology Testing, Hawkins created “The Map Of Consciousness”, which grouped negative emotions, like shame, grief etc at the lowest frequency of consciousness, then positive emotions, like love and happiness, at the highest frequency. From what I can gather, the Hertz Frequency matches each level of consciousness with its respective energy frequency. 

There is a YouTube video that details this amazingly! You can check it out here.

The Psychology

Far less complex to untangle than the above, the psychology of Manifestation is relatively easy to understand and accept as a logical explanation for the benefits it claims to provide. 

Have you ever found yourself predicting the outcome of a future situation, based on the sum of your experiences of similar events before? For example, say you had an upcoming maths exam and expected to do badly and thus did so. Popular psychology would attribute that to the “self-fulfilling prophecy” phenomena, first defined by sociologist Robert Merton in 1948.

The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behaviour which makes the original false conception come ‘true’
— Robert Merton

A self-fulling prophecy is also within your subconscious mind. Dictating that you may unconsciously work to affirm your expectation of an event or action; therefore amplifying the negative in your subconscious which, in turn, encourages behaviours in your conscious that orchestrates that outcome. 

If you wake up and immediately think—perhaps for no particular reason at all—that today is going to be a terrible day, your attitude might make your prediction come true
— Positive Psychology

The Action

Feeling convinced?

At this point I still find myself airing on the side of little more than curiosity. As such, my manifestation story turns to personal experience. A try before you buy if you will. If you find yourself nodding in agreement, the following, taken from the accumulation of numerous sources, is the “how-to-guide” on mastering the law of attraction. 

Step 1 - Clarity

It stands to reason that you cannot manifest that which you desire if you do not know what exactly those desires are. The aim of the game is to be specific. For example, rather than “ I want to earn shitloads of money” ask yourself, “what are my specific financial goals?”, “How have I arrived at that number?” and even “What will change for me when I achieve that number, how will my life look different?”.

Step 2 -Write Them Down

Writing something by hand offers a brilliant hack in creating thoughts our brain perceives as “valuable” in our minds. By default, writing them down repeatedly ensures a consistent focus point.  Having a journal and notebook you allocate for these also helps.

Step 3 - Visualize

Visualisation is a tool used by many more people than just the enlightened. Numerous professional athletes, celebrities and entrepreneurs attest much of their success to the process. 

Let’s say you are intent on manifesting winning an award you have been nominated for. Close your eyes and picture your name being announced, walking up onto the stage and shaking the hand of the presenter. Focus on the emotions associated with that moment. “How and what did you feel?” and “why did you feel that way?”.

Step 4 - Faith, Focus and Affirmation

Here’s the catch, a certain amount of belief in the practice seems necessary. You must believe entirely in your capability to achieve these things and strive to separate yourself from the negative thought patterns surrounding them. From what I can ascertain, this is not to say that you cannot have those feelings. Instead, similarly to meditation, the aim is to observe them without giving them merit. Pro Tip: Using sage, palo santo or even a scented candle can also help to anchor this practice and help with the ritual for you too.

Step 5 - Receive With Acceptance And Gratitude

Practice awareness for when your manifestations begin to, for lack of a better word, manifest. Appreciating what you have will cement in your brain your ability to achieve what you desire.  In theory, simplifying the journey and affirming your self-belief in both the process and yourself.

The Conclusion On Manifestation

The history, scientific and psychological explanations tied to manifestation, at the very least, make it a fascinating subject. This, matched with its endorsements by many who we idolise, who have achieved lives many of us dream of (Will Smith and Oprah for example), only serves to drive an admittedly self-involved question. “Will this work for me?”. 

Thus, in the true spirit of research, I have endeavoured to undertake a challenge to step further into the spiritual consciousness with an open heart and mind and practice manifestation for 30 days. The results I will post in part 2 of these posts to answer, at least for myself, once and for all. 

“Can I manifest that which I desire?”

Want to join me on this 30-day adventure into the unknown? Great! We would love to hear how it went for you! 

In the meantime. Manifestation or not, there is great value in believing you possess and drive greatness. So as I say goodbye, for now, I leave you with my favourite quote found on our shared journey to enlightenment - 

“What writes history is the power of ideas and every moment offers the potential to write something new”.

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Journaling – The best thing for you, by you!

Journaling is all the rage and for good reason. I’ve been doing it since forever and think it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself, by yourself.

Want to learn how to journal like a pro? Then read on friends.

Its no secret that I love to journal. I’ve been doing it since I was a kid and my Grandma actually held onto all of my diaries / journals I penned throughout High School. Reading back on them as an adult is both hilarious and cringe worthy, but penning my feelings really helped me through some super shitty times.

As a writer journaling comes easy to me. I love to crack the spine of a new note book, I have a special pen I use and writing daily is a must do and quite ritualistic now. It’s part therapy, part confidant and best friend and also a huge part sanity saviour. I ask myself certain questions about my career, life, personal development and growth and if anything, it allows my subconscious to really tell me the answer to questions I’m fretting over and clarifies things for me too.

Journaling doesn’t come easy to many though, and I’ve been asked by friends, clients and strangers to share my insight into journaling and how it can be both self reflective, cathartic and fun.

So here I am, giving the people what they want and I’ll be hosting a one and a half hour workshop “Journaling 101” on Sunday 30th of January at 11:00am.

The session will be held via Zoom, meaning you can attend from anywhere across the globe. If you can’t make it but still want to get the juicy details and all the insight you can register and the recording will be sent to you to watch at your leisure, or watch back on for tips. If that wasn’t enough you’ll also receive a bunch of thought provoking and soul driving prompts to help you on your journaling journey. Accountability, showing up and creating a new routine is all good in theory, but sometimes when it comes to following thru we need others to cheer us on and check in with. You’ll also be added to a dedicated community to share your experiences, ask questions and have access to yours truly to sound board off of.

The cost for this session is a very affordable $45 and places are limited as I prefer an intimate group size. If you’re keen to write your life story, clear out the cobwebs of your mind and set some personal goals and strategy, this is the session for you.

For further details or to enroll here and come join us!

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

4 'Must-Do' Self-Empowerment Strategies

This will be obvious to some and WTF to others, but there has been so much study on self-empowerment and the positive effects it has on your mind and body. Not only that, there is a huge amount of evidence stating that self-empowerment plays an essential part in helping with growth in both your personal and professional life. 

If you aren’t doing any self-empowerment techniques, then you probably feel deflated and tired most days of the week. This is because your brain needs to feel stimulated by accomplishments and positive outcomes to keep moving forward. 

What we are quickly finding out, is that the reason why some are more motivated than others is not that they woke up with 10 coffees, it's because they have already planned and started their self-empowerment for the day. 

Now, if you are still reading, you have likely realised that you are one of those in the “not-so-motivated” category and need a good ‘healthy’ pick me up from now on. Lucky for you, you’re about to gain everything you need to get where you're going.

So, what Is Self-Empowerment?

Self-empowerment means making a deliberate choice to take charge of your future. It entails ongoing positive choices, planning and taking action. Then, having the confidence in your ability to make and execute decisions. 

Self-empowered people are motivated to learn, achieve and self-assess their strengths and weaknesses regularly. They make conscious decisions to help achieve their goals. 

Make yourself a priority once in a while. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary!
— Unknown

Tips to Achieve Self-Empowerment

If after reading that, you realise that you don’t do much that is listed, then here are 4 tips that will help achieve self-empowerment and start your self-empowerment journey destined for a more positive life.

Develop A Growth Mindset

Decades of scientific research by Dr Carol Dweck discovered that there are two types of mindset: fixed mindset and growth mindset.

People who have a fixed mindset believe that everything they know from their skills and intelligence are “fixed” traits. They prefer to stick to things they know or are already good at and spend time developing and nurturing their skills, in their comfort zone with thoughts like “I know what I am good at” or “I am talented in…”. 

People with a growth mindset believe they can develop their skills and abilities knowing full well where they already excel. They love to learn and go out of their comfort zones to grow in different areas. 

Developing a growth mindset means you will be more open to trying new things, assessing your weaknesses and embracing them to fix them. You will keep moving forward even when failing, improving yourself and learning new information regularly. 

In developing a growth mindset you should be: 

1. Changing your self-talk and attitude – from “I can’t do it” to “I can learn to”.

2. Assessing your flaws and failures and discovering how to improve next time. Is it that you need more study? Do I need to create habits? Or it might be simply a choice to cut it out of your life.

3. Taking criticism and feedback from others. Sometimes it is simply being more aware of what needs to change. The best way to get this information is to get feedback from others and have a good session about self-reflection. 

4. Have a solution-oriented mindset – when times are tough do you say “someone else can figure that out” or ignore it completely to move on. Having a solution-oriented mindset is about understanding and knowing that when things are not going your way, how can you fix it. It is asking yourself “what do I need to do to get it done?”.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
— Mark Twain

Read, Read, Read And Read Some More

There is a reason why books are still being written and why reading helps with self-empowerment. Reading introduces you to new ideas and invites you to solve problems.

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body
— Joseph Addison

When you read self-help books, it opens up your mind to your flaws, helps with new ways to improve yourself and how to prioritise what is important in your life. It is like a big slap in the face (in a good way!). 

Here are some great books to get you started: 

  • Mindset by Carol Dweck

  • The Happiness Trap by Dr Russ Harris

  • The Mindful Kind by Rachael Kable

  • The Happy Life by Lola Berry

  • The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman 

  • Making Sh$t Happen by Peter Sheahan 

You might find that some don’t work for you, but like most genres, you need to find the underlying theme that resonates. Your journey isn’t meant to be perfect, but it is meant to keep you moving forward. 

Set Goals And Write Them Down

Self-empowerment means having a plan and understanding that it’s a series of actions and decisions achieved over a certain amount of time. It’s ongoing steps, written down and with clear goals of what needs to be achieved. 

Your goals need to be measurable, achievable goals. You need to research and understand how to set them. Start with small steps and then as each one is accomplished move onto big ones. 

You also need to ensure that you are looking back on them and assessing how the process is going. Without self-evaluation, your self-empowerment levels will drop. When you self-evaluate, you will find that you are accomplishing more than you think and it will help keep you motivated to keep going. 

Be Assertive - Asking for What You Want Firmly and Fairly

Do you often feel as though you fail to get your opinions heard, or that people readily dismiss or undermine your views? This means that you aren’t assertive enough. Remember though, there is a difference between being assertive and aggressive. 

Assertiveness is more about expressing your wants and needs clearly and calmly; while being empathic to others. You are not against people, but you need to be able to show people that you are confident in your opinion, or when asking someone to do something without tension. 

Here are some examples of self-empowering assertiveness.

  • Saying no to working overtime because you know you need to rest and recover.

  • Asking for a refund on a faulty item without getting angry at the sales assistant.

  • Telling your friend you respect their opinion, but you don’t agree with their point of view (then calmly explaining why).

  • Use open and friendly body language when you communicate.

As this year ends, this is the perfect time to start practising some good self-empowering habits. This is not limited to empowering yourself. You should also be thinking about ways to empower others. 

I will end this with a challenge for you. My “21-day guide to getting SH$T done” is now available. Every day for 21 days, you will get a new self-empowering habit sent to your email to get you taking action from a self-empowered mindset and kickstarting 2022 with a bang.

These 21 days have been developed from a combination of years of researching and my own success, as well as talking to countless successful people about their self-empowerment journeys and methods. 

Up for the challenge? Apply today!

I’m ready 

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Chrissy Symeonakis Chrissy Symeonakis

Chronic Illness : The Curse Of The Invisible (wo)Man

A chronic Illness diagnosis brings with it many symptoms I suppose you would expect. Expecting them however, didn’t make managing them any less difficult; losing my vision in one eye, the repercussions for my mental health, being in constant pain and experiencing fatigue I never knew was possible for example. 

When I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, a quick google of my condition explained to me that these things we’re likely to be the case. The positive about knowing what to expect is that as I fought against those I was already experiencing I could myself to battle those which were to come. 

What I didn’t expect however, was just how differently things would be for me socially and, what was even less predictable to me - The intense social exclusion. 

I am just a human being — solid, needing food and drink, needing covering too — But I’m invisible. You see? Invisible. Simple idea. Invisible.
— H.G. Wells, The Invisible Man

The Ghost At The Feast 

Illness of any kind makes people feel uncomfortable. Perhaps it reminds you that you are not invincible, maybe you do not know what to say to someone having that experience or maybe it’s hard to know someone else is in pain. But, to be completely honest, I think the issue is that illness highlights a major flaw of humanity in general.  As people, we tend to notice and respond to that which inconveniences ourselves before considering much else.

The Invisible (wo)Man

While the physical and mental symptoms of my condition were one of the hardest things I've ever experienced, finding myself no longer invited to events, forgotten and even judged for being too sick to show up has easily become the most painful.

So while those turned me into the ghost at the feast, as time went on I began to realise that a mixture of people’s discomfort around illness and often me-centric attitudes saw me transform into the invisible man. No longer invited, nowhere to be seen.

I think both these experiences stem from a lack of communication. There is very little discussion about how you can be more socially inclusive of your chronically ill friends. So with this in mind, this post is designed to open up that conversation. To give you the insight and information you need so that if you have a friend/family member living that experience, they don’t end up feeling isolated, forgotten and sometimes even blamed, for the social inconveniences that a Chronic Illness can so easily create.

Don’t Stop Asking 

Often, we will feel too unwell/ in pain to be able to attend events. Trust me, this feels way worse for us than it does for you. Sometimes, after this happens a few times people stop inviting us to things. That shit really hurts. So please, even if you think we won’t be able to attend, please do us the honour of making us feel included regardless!

Be Open To Alternative Solutions

Even better? Offer them. If we can’t make something important because we don’t have the capacity and we offer to perhaps do dinner another time please graciously accept and no it is the best we can do. For bonus points, offer them yourself! Nothing feels better than someone empathising with the situation and suggesting an alternative instead. 

Remember the Spoon Theory 

Those of us with a Chronic Illness only have X amount of spoons per day. This means we have to be very selective with what we use each spoon for. The number of spoons we have also  isn’t consistent. For example, after I have an infusion I have 30 spoons whereas around Jan/Feb i have at best two. This means I try to see my friends in person at the times I have the most spoons, but when I have very little will catch up with them for a virtual coffee online. 

Flexibility Around RSVP-ing Closer To The Date

The nature of many Chronic Illness means we are unlikely to know how we will be feeling way in advance of a date. If you have an upcoming big event planned in advance, please be open to us RSVP-ing at a much closer time. We appreciate this could be inconvenient for you so there is where communication comes in. If certain numbers of meals need to be ordered for example, maybe we could just bring our own? For us it’s about finding a solution that works for everyone.

Stop Saying “Nice Of You To Make An Appearance” 

Or anything sentence of that nature. We know. Like dude, we know we miss important events. But trust me, it is way more heart breaking for us than for you. Sentences like this make us feel as though you think we made a choice not to show up. As if we are selfish and inconsiderate and it really feels like shit. 

I missed my own brother’s wedding and that had to be one of the most heartbreaking and hurtful experience of my life attributed to my illness. At the time I was severely immune suppressed due to the medication I was taking to help halt my disease progression. I had been recently in hospital with a huge infection, that antibiotics had become resistant too. I had also just found out that due to one of the medications I was on to help with disease progression, as a side effect caused me to develop skin cancer. My teeth were breaking because of the steroids that I was on, and my life was generally pretty fucking shit. The decision though wasn’t mine to make and I remember speaking to my Neurologist and him stating that something as a simple cold could and might make me die. As hard as it was to not go and be around my family on such a special day, I had to say no and I cried the entire day. Some people took it better than others and even now people bring up my absence which cuts really deep, without them knowing what really was happening behind the scenes.

Learn about Chronic Illnesses 

Many people have very little understanding of what a Chronic Illness actually is. There are many different types and they cause many different symptoms. If your loved one is diagnosed with a Chronic illness, make the time to understand the ins and outs of their experience. This will make way for more empathy and be a greater motivator to take action on the suggestions above. 

On An Endnote

For me, missing key events and milestones in the lives of those I care about is one of the most difficult repercussions of my chronic illnesses. Not only do I have to miss out, I feel guilt, shame and intense isolation as a result. The friends in my life who have utilised the suggestions above take away so much of that pain for me. I very much hope that for those in your life with a similar experience they can do the same. 

If you would like to know more about living with a chronic illness follow my instagram here and I always welcome input and discussion for further conversation on this matter.

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Ari Scott Ari Scott

2022 Is The Year Of The WHAT?!

The worst year in history, according to science, is 536. During that time, the sun was gone almost everywhere for the majority of the year for most of the world; bringing the coldest decade for thousands of years. It destroyed the economy and, I kid you not, happened as a result of a volcano eruption in Iceland which created enough ash to block out most of the sun for 18 months. 

2021 I would wager, is likely a close second to 536. So as we approach the end of this 365-day long emotional rollercoaster finally we can wave goodbye to the year that if our grandchildren ever ask us about, will likely get the response “2021 never happened we don’t talk about it in this house!!”. 

As you know, business owners did it tougher than most over this past year. So with that in mind, we want to provide you with our business and marketing predictions for 2022. Start the new year strong with these predictions. Get ahead of the game, level up your business and smash your marketing targets as we give you all you need to make 2022 #theyearofgettingshitdone.

1) Purpose And Impact To Take Centre Stage

Historically, moments of crisis have sky-rocketed shifts in perspective and the pandemic is no exception. There is no doubt that the events of 2021 encouraged a huge consumer shift towards purpose, impact and change. The landscape of marketing is changing forever and though brand awareness is not a new concept, in 2022, it will likely be the central influencing factor on the purchasing behaviours of your target customers.

64% of US adults say a company’s “primary purpose” should be making the world a better place’
— New Paradigm Strategy Group & Fortune

This has proven to be even more significant for the next generation of consumers. With a spending power of $140 billion, Gen Z is set to have a huge impact on the future of businesses and impact is of more importance to this demographic than ever before. 
Note -
you can read more about marketing to Gen Z here.

2) Video Reigns As Content King 

In no small part, Tik Tok is to thank for the growing popularity of short-form video content. It is predicted that the video only app will surpass 1.5 billion users in 2022 and, Instagram’s clone feature “reels” is experiencing a huge uptake in popularity at the same time. 

Furthermore, it’s not just Tik Tok and Instagram seeing massive results from video content. On Linkedin, video generates some 20x more shares compared with other types of content on its platform (Social Media Today). Video is a quick, easy and convenient way for consumers to engage with content and we’re certain it will continue to explode in the coming year. 

3) Micro-Influencers Will Become A Primary Marketing Strategy

When we asked global marketing professionals which trends they planned to invest in for 2022, 34% said influencer marketing, putting it at the top of the list
— Hubspot

Micro-influencers are influencers with a follower account in the 10k to the 100k range, sometimes, even smaller than that! Influencers with a smaller following often have a high engagement rate and are seen by consumers as more relatable, as they are yet to carry the “celebrity” status of their bigger counterpoints.  This is great news for small businesses, as micro-influencers are often far more affordable than those with a larger following. Making influencer marketing far more accessible for businesses regardless of their current size. 

Collaboration > Competition

Amongst the numerous negative consequences of the pandemic, one certainly held a huge spotlight. Many businesses, especially small businesses suffered both financially and in terms of resources. Collaboration is an incredible way for businesses to maximise their impact and speed up their growth. Joining forces, co-working on projects and sharing resources will likely be a very popular way to aid the necessary recovery of businesses of all sizes. 

5) Having Or Growing A Personal Brand Will Be A Game-Changer

As the world shifts towards the “why” instead of the “what”, a personal brand is an amazing opportunity to build trust, relationships and tell your “why” to your current and potential customers. As the world continues in its relentless consumption of social media, businesses in 2022 will emphasise their focus on their story to reap the benefits of organic marketing and the sales that will come as a result. If you want to find out more about growing a personal brand you can check out our guide here. 

6) Educational Marketing Will Skyrocket

For many, 2021 created a new perspective on how they want to show up in their lives and the world as a whole. Though of course the negative impacts of Covid have been felt intensely, for many, it also inspired a desire to up-skill, learn and ultimately gain a better understanding of the world we live in. As a result, knowledge-driven content is set to be at the centre of social media. On social media, value is no longer just entertainment based distraction. Instead, it is fast becoming an opportunity for people to spend their spare time focusing on their personal growth. Businesses and brands that endeavour to contribute to the growth journey of their consumers will certainly see the benefits in 2022. 

7) Automation & Outsourcing

Labour shortages in 2021 were, and continue to be, a widespread issue for businesses as we end 2021. “76% of companies in 2021 report using automation” (Hubspot), a number that will inevitably continue to grow.

 In 2022, businesses will likely look to tech alternatives to automate the processes in their businesses in an effort to reduce the consequences of navigating businesses with a smaller team and to make better use of the high-level skillsets within their human resources. Things like self-serve ordering, chatbots on websites and outsourcing business activities to VA’s will probably see a steep increase as we head into and beyond the coming New Year.

Final Thoughts

Marketing and business is an ever-changing landscape. If there is anything we take from 2021, it’s that life is completely unpredictable. Staying ahead of the trends will have unmatched benefits for your business as it develops. But it will also keep you in the best position for when the unpredictable occurs. 

That being said, it can be overwhelming. So if you are in need of a hand on how to implement any of the above please reach out to the team at Creative Little Soul to discuss how we can make your marketing journey easier!

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